95k special chapter

Start from the beginning

"I can tell you never cooked a day in your life" y/n stared at the mountain of dirty dishes by the sink with her hands on her waist. "Hey I was supposed to cook for a lot of people give me a break" Yugo said, leaning against the counter. "It was a good first attempt...I'll give you an A plus for effort" Y/n laughed taking a small sparkly pink star sticker out of her pocket and sticking it on Yugos forehead. "How kind" The man replied bluntly before leaving the room.

"I'll help you clean this mess later" Ray said walking up to y/n. "On your birthday?! No way. Today is gonna be so great everyone will all forget about the dirty dishes" y/n smiled.

"Ray!!! Happy Birthday to youuu!! Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday dear Ray!! Happy birthday to you!" Emma jumped into the kitchen singing her own version of a birthday tune. "Thanks" Ray replied holding back a small bit of laughter from Emma's horrible singing. "You are very welcome" Emma nodded with a smile. "Guys come on! Breakfast is ready!" Gillian called The three from the kitchen. On the dining table a large spread of different fruits such as apples, bananas, watermelon, pineapple and cereals were set on the table, there were birthday party hats in all colours imaginable, bunting party flags hanging from every corner and lots of sweet homemade decorations.

As the day went on everyone played board games, listened to Nat play Piano, ate lots of sweets and finally it was time to open the gifts for Ray. Everyone sat on the floor in dining room as they watched Ray open presents one by one. "Here you go!" Emma said cheerfully, handing Ray a small box. It was a small cardboard box with the name 'Ray' written on top in scribbly writing. "I give one to everyone every year. I hope you like it!" Emma said.

"Another pet rock..you know I have over twelve of these from you right?" Ray asked with an unimpressed attitude looking down at the grey stone with two eyes drawn on it. Y/n nudged the boys arm with a glare. "I love it..thanks" Ray said with a smile after getting hit by y/n it was an obvious sign to be kinder. "And last but not least it's y/ns turn to give you a gift!" Dominic cheered.

Y/n picked up a navy box with a velvet bow on top that sat behind her. "I hope you like it! I mean you better. It took me ages to make it" She lightly giggled, handing the box to him. Ray took the box from the girl and opened the lid revealing a brand new navy blue scarf. "You made this?" Ray asked as his face lit up turning to the girl beside him. Y/n nodded. "Violet showed me how to crochet!" y/n explained. "It looks perfect, I'll wear it everywhere from now on" Ray said putting it around his neck. "I hope it fits alright.." Y/n said, adjusting the scarf on either side of his shoulders

"There's one more gift you all forgot about" Yugo announced, standing at the doorway. "We forgot a gift?" Y/n asked. Yugo nodded and walked towards Ray. "This is for you" Yugo said, putting something in Rays hand. "A mint? Really?!" Y/n looked down at the small sweet and back up to the laughing man. "It's better this nothing I'll take it" Ray shrugged putting it in his pocket. "I was on a tight budget alright?" Yugo said. "You don't even have a budget" Emma said in a confused tone As all the children laughed at Yugos funny gift.

As the day came to an end the younger children were getting tucked into bed. The kitchen  and dining room became quieter. "So did you enjoy your birthday?" Y/n asked Ray who was sitting at the dining table. "It was great, everyone put in so much effort" he said with a yawn, leaning back into the chair he sat on.  y/n walked into the room from the kitchen. "Isn't it so amazing we don't have to worry about someone dying on their birthday anymore?" Y/n laughed awkwardly. "It feels like freedom" Ray sighed with a small smile. "I hope this birthday will be the one of the first of many birthdays where we can all live freely" y/n said. "Me too" Ray smiled. "Hey are you wearing that scarf to bed?" Y/n pointed to her scarf birthday present she gave to Ray with a small smile on her face. "Mhm why wouldn't I?" Ray asked, slightly offended. "You'll get too warm if you sleep with it on" "I don't mind, it's my favourite scarf now" Ray said, standing up to give y/n a gentle kiss on the head. "I'm gonna go to bed, you should too it's pretty late"" Ray said, walking towards the door. Y/n stayed silent for a moment, looking down at the floor.

"Hey this is really out of the blue but...do you think Mama dreaded our birthdays every year? I couldn't help but think today...all the amazing loving celebrations we had...do you think they had meaning to her? I mean..she must have been at least a little bit apprehensive about your last birthday at Gracefield right? I know I shouldn't bring it up but it's strange. I feel like a part of me misses her motherly comfort. Especially on our birthdays...even if it was fake" Y/n sighed with a sad smile.

All that could be heard for a few moments was the dripping of water from the tap in the kitchen and the fainted footsteps of others down the hallways. Ray walked over to the (h/c) haired girl, embracing her in a hug holding her gently in his arms. "Me too" he mumbled. "Huh?" Y/n asked. "I miss her too...in a way I guess. The same as you. But there was always another side to her... that I was forced to see since I was very very young. She was a kind parent to everyone but... she'll always be a monster to me."


I wrote this really fast sorry if it's too short or boring lol 😭 anyways today is Rays birthday!!

Thank you for 95k 🫶🏼

Sorry for any typos!!

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