Chapter Fifty-Five

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Put these here now cuz I got beef w Wattpads top pic things apparently smh

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Put these here now cuz I got beef w Wattpads top pic things apparently smh

—Third Person POV.—

Scarlet eyes idly stare out one of the few windows around the room—brows furrowing as the rhythmic taps of a groups footsteps bypassed outside but quieted down as one pair came to a stop.

He could hear the chatter of voices falling away as his head tilted to look back over his shoulder.

"I know you're there, come in if you've got shit to say." The Barbarian calls out, annoyance filtering across his expression as a sigh escapes the person on the other end.

The handle turned and the door slowly opened—allowing a certain green haired traveler to enter before the spruce is swiftly shut behind his figure with an audible click.

"Sorry, Kacchan." He speaks up, viridescent eyes flickering throughout the room before catching a bit of the Prince sitting near a window high on the far end.

The traveler moves to the stairs twisting around the tree supporting the room—lightly clearing his throat as his childhood friend turned away to glare out the glass again.

"Great," The ash-blonde sneers under his breath as Izuku finally made it to the rooms second story "The fuck do you want." He questions without skipping a beat.

It sounded nearly like an insult with his tone—but the traveler had long gotten used to it, simply brushing past the irritated hitch to Katsuki's voice as he lightly fixed the satchel strap along his chest.

"Are you okay..?" He slowly inquires after a moment, emerald-clad brows knit together as he stared at the still Prince.

"I'm not in the mood, Deku," Is his reply "If you don't have something significant to say, get the fuck out." The Barbarians statement comes out in a hiss—features fixed with clear annoyance in the glass's reflection.

The green haired boy paused, sighing to himself as his eyes took a moment to examine his friend, who had settled his elbow on the windowsill—head resting in the palm of his hand now.

"This is wrong," His voice comments, fingers nervously scratching at the leather of his satchels strap "You know this is wrong."

A silence passes throughout the room.

"I know." The Prince replies, voice growing quiet with the words.

"Then why go through with it?" Izuku presses, idly eyeing the cape draped over the second stories railing with a complete look of disbelief falling across his expression.

A scarlet gaze flickers over his own reflection "You fucking know why," Katsuki grumbles "It was the only bargain where I was able to save both parties."

"Why don't you just leave now then? The small army was stopped and we can help get you out without anyone noticing— There's still time!" The traveler claims, finally fixating his attention back on the agitated Barbarian.

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