Chapter Two

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—First Person POV.—


The unnaturally cool air of the Arz meets my lungs and it almost lulls my senses—the complete opposite of the warm air Spring provides in this realm.

It's chilled and with that comes the smell of the forests natural scents of lush greenery.

Though I'm relaxing and just distressing after today, my tranquil moment doesn't stop the chill of eyes that crawls up my spine and causes my guard to flare up beneath my cloak.

Within a moment—a sound, a footstep 'No, more than one footsteps.' My head cranes to the left and in the direction of the village I had just left.

My eyes scan to the side as the creators of the sound come to a stop at the bottom of the hill.

They are still close to the villages lanterns, letting the dull light bounce across what I see as three people standing in a triangle formation: One in front while two more line up in the back.

Each persons armor glints dimly in the light and the horses being lead by their reigns snort irritably from being within only a few yards of the Arz.


As if on instinct, my hand comes up to tug at the front of my hood—making sure it fully shields my face in shadows as one of the soldiers call out.

"Come, Hunter." The larger man sectioned in the front calls, his tone acting as if I were simple cattle to be herded and causing my brows to furrow.

I finally turn to fully face the soldiers and for a moment, I catch sight of one of the soldiers in the back resting his hand on a scimitar holstered to his belt.

My throat closed in on itself, the stone Goliath had been right and knowing that there was people out looking for me—people powerful enough to just send soldiers out for me, caused my heart to race.

But for all their might, the men held their distance. They were afraid of the Arz.

I finally lifted my chin—being sure to allow the shadows of my hood to continue obscuring my face from sight "Whatever for?" I drawled over the sudden hiss of the wind, deepening my voice as much as I could.

"To meet the King," The smaller man holding the horses spoke.

Panic flared in my chest again, but I continued to lower my voice "If the King wanted to see me, he would respect me with a letter—not his hounds." I tune the words with clear irritation in my vocals.

"I'm no criminal." I state factually.

The small man opened his mouth upon being called a dog, but the other shifted his blade and drew closer "This isn't a request." He glared but paused.

Just as the words left his mouth, he glanced behind me and seemed to realize his fear of the Arz wouldn't allow him to move any farther "You, come forward." He fixates to demand instead.

'Hell no.' I internally scowl, allowing my eyes to wander slightly 'There has to be a way out of this..'  I breathed, moving my hand to rest on the holster against my thigh.

As the cool air of the forest fills my lungs, I purse my lips as a different idea flickers to life.

With a short step back, a shit-eating grin had found it's way to my lips "Come and get me yourself." I taunt and can feel the combined glares of the men.

"You have nowhere to go."

"You forget, soldier. I am a mere hunter, the forest is my second home." I string the words together with sweetened honey—letting it drip from my tongue with hidden remnants of fuck you's.

My Stupid Heart! (KiriBaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now