Chapter Four

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—Third Person POV.—

"You're so damn heavy," The ash blonde grumbles while ducking beneath a tree branch—furrowed brows flickering at the surrounding woods for any sign of the Nomu's returning.

Kirishima sighs "Seriously man, right now..?" He mutters, slitted pupils glancing at his friend—who meets his gaze with a glare.

"This is what happens when you eat most of the shit I buy." Bakugo claims irritably and causes the redhead leaning on him to let out a groan "I told you, it's just because I can't lift my wings right now!"

"And who's fault it that?" The ash blonde shoots back—making Kirishima's expression shift into a deadpan.

"Technically yours—" "What?!" Bakugo's voice finally rose, scaring the birds in the trees they were passing by and making the dragon's head turn away, playfully pretending to ignore the Prince's anger.

"I'm just saying if I didn't shove you out of the way, that Nomu would've hurt you." He explains and despite being fireproof, he could feel the burning glare of the Barbarian melting into his scales.

"I had it under-fucking control, Shitty scales."

"Seriously, the nickname again??" The two had started to bicker, soon forgetting that they were lost in the dangerous forbidden woods of the Arz with the possibility of monsters being nearby.

And after a good minute, the ash blonde huffed and tried to speed up his struts, causing the injured dragon's shoe to hit a nearby trees root and lose his balance—plopping face first into the grass below.

"Ouch.." The redhead groans from the floor while Bakugo grunts out a low "Shit." Looking down at the dragon he had managed to drop on accident.

"Bakugo.." The dragon's voice drawled after a second, briefly letting go of his bleeding side to push himself up and onto his knees "—Shit, Kirishima don't take your hand off of it."

Bakugo crouched down to his friends side—quickly applying pressure back onto the wound and forcing a hiss of pain from the dragons throat.

"I know, I know, I just.." His voice trailed off as his eyes cast over the forest's grass, catching sight of a dark liquid that had painted the greenery below and gleamed against the speckles of moonlight flickering onto it.

Reaching a clawed hand out—his fingers pricked a small leaf with the liquid draped across it before lifting it up to his face, brows furrowed.

"The fuck are you doing?" The Barbarian glared "Hurry up and hold the pressure again so we can get the hell out of here." He demands but the dragon was too distracted to hear.

"This—" He finally starts and his slitted eyes widen "Smells familiar.." "Are you hallucinating now?" The ash blonde questions—causing Kirishima to finally turn to him with a deadpan on his features.

"No, look! This is blood!" He claims, holding the leaf up in the barbarian's face and causing him to shoot a glare at Kirishima before snatching the plant away and looking at it, knowing that it's best to just indulge in the idiot dragons antics because 'Why the fuck not?' The scale-covered guy totally wasn't bleeding out right now.

"Why should I care?" He asks, annoyance plaguing his tone "Do you know who this belongs to—who ran this way when you found me??" He listened and tried to figure out what the hell the hallucinating dragon was trying to get to.

Then it hit him.

The blood was still slightly wet to the touch, causing it to glimmer slightly in the bits of moonlight that had managed to fit through the cracks of leaves above.

My Stupid Heart! (KiriBaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now