Chapter Thirty-Eight

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—First Person POV.—

The sun is shining oddly bright today, my head tilting up to stare at the mountain in front of the three of us.

And a deadpan falls across my expression "Yep, have fun." I comment, turning around to walk off back to our previous campsite when Katsuki lets out a sigh—grabbing the back of my hood and dragging me away towards the Earth pimple.

I stumble back with the pull and a grunt of agitation escapes my lips "Hey!" I shout, looking to the Dragon following behind us for any help.

He just shrugs.


My shoulders slouch in disdain and despite my body going completely limp—the Barbarians pace didn't even falter, just casually hauling me in tow with his steps.

"Katsuki, I'm not going up that mountain." I call out, causing the ash blonde to tilt his head down at me before he let go of my hood—making the cloth flop onto my face with a quiet puff.

A huff of air escapes my lips.

"Stop complaining and get up so we can go." He commands as I sit there, raising a hand to lift the hood up from my eyes and glancing up at the Barbarian.

"But it's your guys's people— Can't I just stay down here?" I wonder, brushing the clothing back to sit idly along my shoulders while Katsuki's just crossing his arms.

"No, we're not leaving you alone in a forest full of monsters and no, because I said so." He speaks with a finality in his words that makes me sigh.

And my attention flickers away as a red-scaled hand appears in front of my face, connected to a Dragon that's staring down at me with a reassuring smile plastered across his features.

"It's going to be okay," He starts and I take his hand, allowing the redhead to tug me back up onto my feet "Think about it like this, the faster we start—the faster we finish." Eijiro assures positively.

I'm dusting my clothes off and sending a raised eyebrow in his direction "You're only saying that because you're excited to rock climb." I claim and he nods, lifting a hand up to rub at the back of his neck.

"You got me." Eijiro admits with a chuckle but hey, at least he's honest.

And with one last dejected sigh, I turn—facing the mountain with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Fine but if I decide to let go, you two better just let me fall." My voice comments and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he steps past me—grabbing the back of my hood again and flicking it up back over my face.

His little action caused me to stumble forward with the slight pull and I huff, pushing the hood back again so I could see.

Upon freeing my vision, Eijiro is chuckling towards our little interaction as he trots past me—following the Barbarian to the base of the mountain.

I'm fixing my hair again when he crouched and stretches a wing out so Katsuki could step on it—lifting him up to the first rocks sticking out of the side.

After the Barbarian got a good grip and started scaling the wall, Eijiro tilts his head towards me—hand held out in a beckoning manner that I dejectedly obliged to.

I grabbed his hand and he straightened his wing a bit "Don't worry, I'll be right behind you." He informs, slightly easing the tension and causing me to nod in understanding.

And with a step onto the wing, he lifts me up to the first ledge where I followed in Katsuki's path—hands gripping the sturdy rocks and kicking off the ones the tips of my boots landed on.

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