Chapter Twelve

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—First Person POV.—

I'm trotting ahead of the two—the afternoon suns rays kissing the grass below as we venture further through the forest.

A couple of days had passed and I could feel my bodies condition healing quickly thanks to Bakugo's treatment, the weird mix of herbs he had been pressing on my wounds really helped.

And thankfully, his way of applying the cream along my injured ribs included the ash-blonde commanding Kirishima to leave to get something random beforehand.

My eyes focus ahead as I walk, moving through a cluster of bushes and stepping out into the sunlight—as I blinked, I understand why the bushes and leaves had been so thick around this area.

The forest had ceased here, a large ravine slitting the land and across from where I stood was more trees—a mass identical tot he ones behind me.

But upon looking around and seeing just how far the split stretched—I walked forward, glancing over the edge to see just how far the drop would be.

"Uh, guys?" I call over my shoulder, the sounds of leaves rustling as my two traveling partners pushed through meeting my ears "We've got a problem." I call out.

"Let me guess, you caused it?" Bakugo's rough voice replies, causing me to deadpan as I stood from the edge and glanced over my shoulder.

They break free from the tree line as well, Kirishima's confused gaze glancing around while the Barbarians eyes focused on me.

"Did the usually-grumpy-Barbarian make a joke just now?" I wonder out loud, raising a brow as a small smile slowly crept across my features.

His glare sharpens as they approach, scarlet gaze flickering away to the ravine below when he gets close enough and Kirishima lets out a "Woah!"

"Where did this even come from?" The Dragon asks, taking in just how deep the drop would be if one of us were to make a wrong step and tumble into the crevice.

"Better question, how did you not know this was here?" Bakugo glances at me, my eyes widening as I brought my hands up in a 'surrendering' motion "I don't have future vision, was I supposed to know??"

The Barbarian grumbles, looking over how far the actual ravine stretched off at the sides before huffing again in irritation "Fuck, it's gonna take a day or two of extra walking just to get around this shit." He states—a number of curses following afterwards.

His observation echos in my head for a moment, my brows furrowing as I tilted my head towards the literal Dragon-hybrid standing right next to me.

"Or, we could just fly over." I comment, pointing a finger towards the large crimson wings protruding from his back—small speckles of scales running along his shoulders and connecting with the limbs.

Kirishima glances at me, my own words flashing through his head before he sweat-drops—lifting a hand up to rub the back of his neck as he glanced away with an embarrassed expression overtaking his features.

"Uh, well—" "No, we need to find another way around." Bakugo cuts in, causing me to return my attention to the Barbarian as I gestured towards the ravine and the redhead "Do you see how far that is? And why not just use his wings, that's what they're there for." I argue.

The Barbarian and I start bickering—he's not even providing me with an explanation on why he's so adamant about going all the way around the stupid ravine, our irritated voices slowly starting to raise.

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