Chapter Fourty-One

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—First Person POV.—

The ground rumbles beneath our feet as it only seems to grow taller from the dispersing smoke, almost as if the beast was climbing free from a portal—its body growing so large it's back slams against the ceiling.

There's smoke and dust everywhere; it creates a hazy effect with the entrances light behind us.

I'm made aware that the person originally pulling me back is Katsuki when I scramble to my feet, hurriedly reaching back for my bow when the Barbarian shifts to stand in front of me.

"Get back!" Katsuki's warning is nearly muffled against the commotion—planting a hand back on my arm to keep himself between me and the threat while he shifts the sack on his shoulder.

"That thing is fucking Eijiro!"

And I'm surprised my neck didn't snap from how quickly I turned my attention to him "—It's doing what to Eijiro?!!"

The Barbarian falters in his step, confusion flickering amongst his features when he sends a glance in my direction "What? No, Dumbfuck— It is him!!"

"Why didn't you specify?!" I shout angrily as we're backing up and my hand immediately falls away from my weapon, hesitating despite the possible danger—only because I know it is him.

Rocks break away and fall from the ceiling; Crashing and crumbling against the marble flooring before us.

Within the darkness of the cave, only the few rays of light from the opened gates allows my eyes to catch sight of the crimson scales played amongst its body.

I don't know what to do— And it looks like Katsuki doesn't either with the way he's forcing us both to back away, allowing the Dragon to climb free from its smoke-portal.

It's claws drag along the marble, digging in and leaving caverns in its wake as it's large body presses against the surrounding walls causing everything to come apart from the force.

The inside is falling to ruins when we make it out, figures quickly reeling back to the edge of the ledge outside due to how harshly the ground trembled beneath the sudden weight of the Dragon.

My eyes turn away for a moment, catching sight of just how high we were "Katsuki—" I let a warning yelp escape my lips and the Barbarian glances back as well.

That's when I notice the large grin on his face.

Those scarlet eyes flicker back to the cave as light finally breaks through the crumbling ceiling and a wave of dust flies free from the entrance.

And the world below us rumbles with an Earthquake as the Dragons head breaks free from the mountain—rocks flinging outward and debris toppling off its head as it racks its jaws open.

An ear splitting roar escapes into the air, echoing in thunderous sound waves across the land and causing my hands to swiftly raise to cover my ears so they wouldn't shatter.

Katsuki is standing before me, his eyes trained on the beast with an excited glint now ignited within his expression—in a feral display, his fangs are on show with his wide grin.

He didn't even seem affected by how loud the Dragons bellow had been and his own triumphant shout breaks through the air when the Dragons claws dig free from the mountain.

With each forceful slam, the ground beneath us shakes and the edge we had been standing on shatters—causing both of us to plummet off the cliff.

I don't even have enough time to shout when Katsuki uses his grip on my elbow to tug me towards him—wrapping a secure arm around my waist and pulling me close with a commanding "Cover your ears!"

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