Chapter Twenty

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—First Person POV.—

The sun blares brightly against my closed eyelids, causing me to wake from my comfortable slumber with a light grumble escaping my lips.

It's bright, uncomfortably bright and as I attempt to shift over onto my other side—where the sun hopefully wouldn't assault my sleep,—I'm briefly met with a strain in my movements.

There's a heavy weight pressing along my torso, caging my hazy body to the blanket my back had been laying against.

And that's when I take notice of just how warm I currently am, the weight above emitting heat along my skin and nearly making it feel as if a heavy blanket had been casted onto my form.

The feeling almost lulls me back to sleep and pushes my irritation of the sun away for a few seconds.

But it appears I've been awake for too long, making my 'go back to sleep' button expire and leaving me to just lay in the warmth the blanket provided.

With sluggish movements, my eyes squint open, my limbs weak from just waking up so I didn't bother even moving them—despite my wish for the sun to leave my vision be.

And even if I did want to move, I couldn't, thanks to the arms wrapped securely around my torso, holding me in place.

With a light huff, I exhale a bit of air through my nose and open my eyes—which, in turn, allowed the sun to immediately invade and assault my sight.

—This caused me to sigh as I blinked, adjusting and flickering my attention downwards as to not stare directly at the source of light.

And as my mind slowly awoke further, it took me a few seconds to comprehend what exactly was happening at the moment.

The weight hugging my torso had been Kirishima, his crimson hair being easily recognizable to me as his head laid tilted to the side—resting along my chest while snores escaped his slightly parted lips.

Through his open mouth, I am able to catch the tips of his sharp teeth peaking out and his hair managed to provide shadows along his features—protecting him from the same fate I had experienced earlier.

Even without the sun present though, I could see his closed eyes and the slightly content smile on his face, nearly begging me to not move so I wouldn't wake the crimson dragon.

—And good news for him, I wouldn't be moving any time soon, both due to his heavy weight holding me down and the fascination flickering to life within my mind.

Without realizing, I had been studying his features—picking out the little slit barely seen along the end of his right eyebrow or the scales sputtered across the skin where his horns met his head.

Allowing my curiosity to get the better of my half awake mind, I shuffle my hand free and reach up—gently brushing some of the messy locks away from his face so I could get a closer look of his gorgeous crimson scales.

Having his head tilted one way before, it seemed he had felt my touch—his mouth briefly closing as he hummed and moved into my palm, silencing beckoning for more while my eyes graced his exposed features.

But what caught my attention was the scar running up and etched into the top of his right eyelid.

It was short and would've met with the little slit in his brow if it hadn't come to a jagged stop, the skin having grown back but leaving a remnant of color due to whatever had happened to him.

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