Chapter Fifty-One

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Side quest: Someone pls lemme know if y'all can see the pics above cuz I ain't seeing shii man 😭

—First Person POV.—


Another ragged breath escapes my lungs as I rush through the burning forest, trees charred and crackling with flames against my ears.

The stray fires had grown the further I trekked away from the original blue blazes—leaving my eyes to squint through smoke and the combining colors of blues and yellow burning the nature all around.

I could feel all the heat brushing up against my running form.

My eyes strain through the smoky haze above, just barely able to catch glimpses of the crimson beast weaving its destruction in the distance. It looks like there's lightning flickering throughout the dark clouds accompanying his large figure.

The trees' skeletal remains stand as silent witnesses to the chaos that's crumbling around me—the once familiar landscape now morphs into an apocalyptic canvas, painted with the fiery strokes of my dragon's wrath.

My gaze flickers, searching the skies for a familiar illuminated trail amidst the swirling embers.

And once I'm able to zero my attention in on it again—my steps quicken, urgency propelling me forward as I navigate the charred remnants of the forest.

The roars and crackling flames create a symphony of destruction against the headache starting to pull at my temple, causing me to raise a distracted hand up to grasp the side of my head.

My eyes sting with tears as I stumble through the ashen landscape, the acrid smoke weaving a disorienting haze into my lungs.

And once my ears started to ring, I could catch snippets of my breaths coming out in desperate gasps, each inhalation feeling like it's searing my insides.

When dizziness sweeps its hands over my skull, a harsh cough jabs at my chest, causing me to stumble over the uneven terrain with legs heavy and uncooperative.

The ashen ground meets me with a force that tugs a chaste grunt from my lips the moment I collapse—leaving the world to spin in a chaotic dance of smoke and flames.

Despite my newfound fire proof ability thing going on.. It seems to not work when it comes to my body needing oxygen.

I internally curse.

I can't tell how long I lay there for, just feeling the soft grass grazing my cheek.

It's only when a firm grip wraps around my wrist, do I briefly snap out of my disorientated state—brain just barely registering that someone was pulling me upward.

My head spins with black dots the moment I'm held up, a ragged hitch etching through my vocal cords as I strain my eyes to open.

"She's alive still!" A voice calls out and I hate how I'm only able to really recognize it due to hearing the same one panicking earlier before I escaped.

My hazy gaze meets the masked face of the bounty hunter—that stupid mask composed of grey and black illuminated by the surrounding flames.

The scent of charred wood and burning leaves mingles with my thoughts, but I'm able to make out the sight of red eyes not too far away.

Actually, those red eyes look like they're getting closer—?

My head lolls to the side as two fingers press against my pulse, checking "Good, let's go." That rasped voice utters, the words barely audible over the raging symphony of destruction around us.

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