Peter: Everyone around me dies. My mother, Yondu, Gamora.

Mantis: Gamora isn't dead.

Drax: She is to us. You want a Zarg-nut?

We both expected it.

Peter and Blake: Thank you.

Mantis looked angry at Drax.

Peter: First shield set.

Nebula: Three, two, one.

The ship breached the force field.

Mantis: Peter.

Peter: What?

Mantis: You had family on Earth, and you never wanted to go back to see them?

Peter: No, you're my sister and brother. That's all the family I want or need. Besides it was really just my Grandpa, okay? He was a pretty hard guy.

Mantis: Still, don't you think he...

Peter: What?

Mantis: You were abducted by Ravengers the same day he lost his daughter.

Peter: Oh, yeah, he was upset. My mom died, he screamed in face, he pushed me out of the room.

Blake: You have to keep being so sensitive about everything?

Mantis: He was probably just trying to protect you.

Peter: What are you talking about?

Mantis: What?

Peter: I'm talking about the people in my life who died, and you're talking about this? Second shield set.

Nebula: Three, two, one.

We breached the second shield.

Mantis: I'm only saying you've never gone to see if he's okay. He could still be alive.

Peter: My grandpa? He'd be like 90-something years old.

Mantis: So he could still be alive.

Peter: People on Earth die when they're, like, 50.

Mantis: They die when they're 50?

Blake: Not literally.

Peter: I don't know. Something like that.

Mantis: What's even the point of being born?

Blake: Oh, that is dark, Mantis!

Peter: Exactly!

Mantis: Are you about to die?

Peter: I'm not 50!

Blake: What's the point of this argument?

Peter: The point is I wasn't talking about any of this. Third shield set.

Nebula: Three, two, one.

We breached the final shield.

Mantis followed us up the elevator.

Mantis: Well, not everything is about what you are talking about. And I'm only saying you are upset because so many people you cared about have left you but you also left someone.

Blake: You know, she does have a point.

Mantis: (To Drax) And maybe I wanted a Zarg-nut!

Drax: It's too late. They're all gone.

Then he reached in and ate another.

Mantis looked extremely cross. Then, it felt like something hit us. Electricity went through the bridge.

Peter: Why didn't we go through?

Nebula: We did. It's not the shield.

Zoe: (Holding Mikey) Honey, you want to get up and see this.

We all went up to the cockpit to see

Peter: Oh, no.

I went up to protect my family and recognized one in the suit in front of the windshield.

Blake: Stakaar?

It was him in the flesh.

The commander over all Ravenger families himself with other fleets behind him.

Peter: Ravengers.

Someone hacked into our speakers and announced to us:

Hey, guys, you're about to be boarded by the United Ravengers. You can surrender and turn over any stuff worth anything and live or you can die. Totes up to you.

Blake: Not the most setting offer I've heard of. Stay behind me.

A portal opened up and a red scaley with a serpent tail came through with another guard and opened more portals for more Ravengers to get through. All of them pointing guns. But they didn't look like they were going to attack us.

Mikey: Daddy?

Blake: It's okay, son. Stay behind me.

Drax looked like he was about to attack.

Peter: Drax, no, no, no, Drax! Guys, it's us, Peter Quill and Blake Slader, we're one of you, remember?

Nebula: Hold on! We have an appointment!

Peter: (Going along) We have an appointment.

"With who?"

Nebula: With Gamora.

Peter: (Still going along) With Gamora. What?

Gamora: You're early.

She appeared out of nowhere.

Gamora, who looked at Nebula both nodded at each other.

Mikey: That's Aunt Gamora?

Blake: Yeah. That's her.

From Peter's look, I had a bad feeling about this.

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