21 - Reconstruct

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Ruth stood next to my bed with a suitcase and a wide grin sitting on her lips. She was dressed in a black tank top with jeans.

"Ruth?" My jaw dropped at the sight as I walked up to her and pulled her into the tightest hug. She happily hugged me back and squeezed the living life out of me.

"Girl, thank God you're alive. I was so worried back at the hospital." She utters and my lips fall into a smile as I pull away from our hug.

"How are you here?" I question with my brows scrunched, leaning back to look into her eyes.

"Your dad reached out to me with invitation for a family vacation, saying that it would be good for you. At first, I didn't understand but... I still don't, you have to fill me in." She paused and pointed to the couch behind me. "Before coming here, I told the men to stop at your place first. Look who came with me."

I quickly twirled around to the direction she pointed. My eyes landed on the tiny brown kitten neatly sitting on the couch while brushing herself with her tongue.

"You brought Petty with you?" I gasped, grabbing the kitten and showered Petty with so many kisses as I held her in my arms, sniffing her scent as she meows.

"Girl I know you can't live without her nowadays, she's practically your first child." She shrugs and I chuckle, nodding my head.

Not only was Petty in my room but my belongings were as well.

"Okay, now tell me what's going on? I could've sworn I walked past some familiar family portraits in the hall." She says with her eyes looking up at the ceiling as she thinks.

"I don't even know where to start. A lot has happened in the past 24 hours." I sigh and continue to brush the top of Pettys head.

"There's scary looking bodyguards outside. It's all seems so tensed in here. Isn't this supposed to be a vacation?" She rolls her eyes with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Come, let's settle down. I have to fill you in." I lead her to my bed and sir her down.

We sat down in the room, and I told her everything. Starting from the one-night-stand and how it was Santiago all along to when he gave me that expensive necklace at work.

After that, I told her about my parents. The Moretti family and how we're all inclined to drug trafficking, and of course the traumatizing gala.

"You're kidding." She gasped aloud with her jaw practically on the floor as she sat on the bed infront of me.

"I know, it's a lot." I sigh.

"Yes it is. Your dad... Mr. Carter is a drug dealer?" She stumbled through her own words.

"Yeah, I—"

"That's hot." She utters with a smirk.

"Ruth." I deadpan, staring at her with disgust.

"What? I've always told you that your dad needed to be on a runway for living, look at him. Why are you sad about it though?" She asked with her hands on her thighs.

"Ruth, he deals with cocaine. That's illegal amd just... horrible." I swallow hard.

"Everyone has some sort of evil side to themselves and your dads happens to be dealing with drugs. If you ask me, it's bad but at least he's not some fucking serial killer." She explains with her brows raised.

A breathy chuckle leaves my mouth, "You think so?"

"Hmm, at least he told you and you finally know but don't keep it to heart. He was just trying to protect you." She says and her smile faded instantly, "I can't believe you lied to me about Santiago."

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