16 - Acquaintance

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Panic starts to spread throughout my body when spotting the disappearance of my parents. They weren't standing on the same spot I had previously left them before the chaos occured.

"Myra." Subtly, my eyes turn to Santiago infront of me who had his hands holding either sides of my face as my breathing quickens.

"We have to leave." He deadpans.

The thought of my parents safety couldn't escape my worries.

"What? No-" A bullet flies to our direction and shatters a plate on the table.

"If you wait here you might get shot, which is why I need to assure your safety." He advices and suddenly pulls out a shiny pistol from the strap of his pants, causing me to stare between him and the pistol with wide eyes.

"Why do you have a gun?" I exclaim as he casually loads the gun with quickness, and sneakingly looks over his shoulder.

Just what the hell is going on?

He gets back down and levels his eyes to mine with me sitting between his legs. Men dressed in black shot up the entire building, with machine guns in their hands.

"Listen to me," He scratches for something in the pocket of his blazer and holds out car keys, "There's a grey G-wagon parked right in the back, go there and wait in the car."

"What about you?" I shake my head and flinch in fear when a bullet scratches the side of the table.

"Don't worry about me. There's a hall, you'll take your first right and see the car parked. Get inside and drive away." He points at the door right ahead, infront of us and I turn my head to it.

I take a deep breath and nibble on my bottom lip, "You better come back."

"I promise. Go." He says while loading the gun and I raise up, slightly hunched down while holding my dress up as I hurry my way to the door.

The sound of shattered glass and screams pierced the air as people frantically sought shelter. Some attempted to escape through the nearest exits, which got them easily killed by the men dressed in black.

I jump over a man lying in a pool of blood infront of the door and make my way to the hall with the sound of the keys dangling in my hand.

My heels click on the marble floor as the sound of gunfire continues in the back. It was too loud to ignore.

My heart comes to rest when I find the door Santiago guided me to and walk myself to that direction, standing still to a wide empty parking lot that held many empty sport cars.

I approach the grey G-wagon right infront and press on the button which opens the door but with much difficulty, I drop the key to the hard ground.

"Shit." I quickly bend down to pick it up only to get yanked back before I can even grab the keys. A pair of strong arms, tighten harshly around my waist and I slightly turn back to see who it was.

I could recognize that bald head from a mile away.

It's Enzo, the man I just met at the entrance. The man that shook my dad's hand not even 10 minutes ago. He dragged me back to the scene but I start to kick his legs with my heels.

"Put me down!" I scream and dig my nails into his forearms in defense.

"Stop moving you useless bitch!" He scolds as my screams get muffled by his hand over my mouth and I screw my eyes shut. I don't stop moving around.

"Shut the fuck up." He forcefully leans my head back and grazes a knife over my neck, leaving me still.

My heart beats out of my chest as he leans closer, grazing his lips on my earlobe and whispers, "It's time that Zion pays for what he did. He's the cause of this entire fucking war without him returning there would be peace."

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