Chapter 16

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This chapter is a little shorter than I usually aim for, but I hope it's okay :)


Chapter 16

The house was quiet, except for the occasional noises that came from upstairs, mostly it was laughter, but sometimes other noises drifted down to the living room too, at first I didn’t care, but now it was getting a little annoying.

I was slouched on the couch watching the music video for 'born this way' on the Voice, when a door opened upstairs and footsteps could be heard, the stair creaked slightly as the person started to descend.

"Hey," I called over my shoulder and raised a hand over the back of the sofa to give a wave to who I suspected was my brother. I quickly brought it back down and kept my eyes glued to the TV while guiding handfuls of popcorn into my mouth, it tasted so good all things considered, since we were out of ice cream, this was the best therapy I could find.

"Eww, that's just so gross," a condescending voice said from behind me, making me roll my eyes.

No, not now, please just go away.

"I bet it's going to make your skin look like you bathed it in sticky oils." I swear somebody up there was out to get me, I made a mental note of filing a formal complaint as soon as I got the chance.

"Yeah, well that would be my problem wouldn't it?” I retorted lazily, I was beyond caring, “don't you have something better to do than standing here?" I said when she didn’t make any sound to walk away.

"I was just trying to be nice."

I scoffed, "I seriously doubt it Cassandra, go find someone who actually cares if you exist, because I couldn't care less." My words came out harsher than I’d meant to, but they couldn’t have been more true, she had given me no reason to be nice to her, so it wasn’t a side of me she was going to get to see any time soon.

She was quiet for a moment, and I hoped she had walked away, the problem is that would've indicated she had learned how to float on thin air, which was highly unlikely, "aren't you going to do some highly advanced stunt on me?" She asked after a while, probably referring to our first encounter at Jesse and Alex’s party.

I groaned, couldn’t I just have a minute of peace and quiet? That would’ve been nice, "I only do that to people who are actually worth it, and I wouldn't bother spending two seconds on you, because I don't really care."

"You could at least try to be nice to her Carson, she's making an effort." Talon's voice sounded from behind me, I hadn't heard him come down, but it didn't matter because I wasn't staying for long.

I switched off the TV and threw the remote down on the sofa, "it suddenly got a little too crowded down here," I said and walked upstairs, if that so called conversation was considered as making an effort then I was freakin Moses!

Once upstairs I went to fetch my sketch pad and pencils, my heart was pounding, encouraging me to flip out and tell Cassandra exactly what I felt about her, but that wouldn't be right so instead I brought all of my supplies to the bed and sat down with my legs crossed. Even though she deserved a wakeup call and maybe a reminder of how she came off on people, I wasn’t going to take on that task, it was something I would gladly hand over to someone else, let’s say for example, my brother.

I had locked the sorry excuse of a door to my room and before I could begin to sharpen my pencils, it rattled slightly, but the little lock did its job in holding it in place.

"Come on Carson, open the door," Talon's voice sounded through the floor and my blood started to boil, I knew i was being irrational, but I didn't care, it was the drop that spilled the cup, and I grabbed the closes thing, which unfortunately turned out to be the game controller to my Xbox, and threw it towards his voice, "go away!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

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