Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“It’s. . . “ Kathy struggled for words after I had practically pushed her up the steep stairs, “it’s small,” she spun around facing me and started laughing, “it’s teeny tiny. Like you put your old room in the drier and it shrunk, like big time!” she threw herself over my bed and wrapped her arms over her stomach and laughed even harder, if that was even possible.

                I rolled my eyes, “yes I know it’s small, but it has its perks,” my room wasn’t even half of the size as the guestrooms on the floor below.

                Kathy sat up and wiped away a tear that had formed from all the laughing, “like what?” she giggled.

                I pointed to the roof exit, “it leads to the roof,” I was surprised when she didn’t catch on right away, “the roof offers an escape route dummy, I can come and go without anyone noticing, and the way dad is eyeing me these days, I’ll say that roof is pretty darn good.”

                “If only you could use that fine brain of yours during school hours,” she said and I stuck out my tongue at her, “now go get changed, I’ll just wait here and try not to get lost,” she giggled.

                I changed really quickly into some large baggy pants that reminded me of my short hip hop period and we made our way back downstairs. “Dad, we’re going to the store,” I yelled before slipping out the door, not giving him time to catch me. He hadn’t been exactly thrilled when I had gotten home, but because Kathy was there, he didn’t go into a lecture. Now he didn’t have an excuse to hover over me all the time, but I was sensing that Talon was going to get an earful when he got home and I was out of earshot.

                We could’ve walked to the store, but Kathy insisted on us driving, “I want to sit in that car as long as I have the opportunity to,” she said and I didn’t argue, “maybe you should just give the car to me, I have this feeling it will be more appreciated that way.”

                I had to laugh, “sorry, that’s so not going to happen! Why don’t you talk to you granddad, you know he probably wouldn’t miss out on the opportunity to spoil you,” I said. My granddad and Kathy’s granddad were best friends and they had been for many years now, they had discovered some oil together which had given them a lot of money. My granddad was the one who had set up my trust fund. Kathy had one of her own, but her parents didn’t let her touch it.

                “You know, he bought me this amazing car,” she said amazed.

                “Then why are you complaining? And why didn’t you tell me about it?”

                “Because I didn’t even get to see it, mom told him not to bring it over.”

                My mouth fell open, “you’re kidding, right?”

                “Nope, I swear that woman is driving me crazy.”

                “What kind of car was it?” I asked genuinely curious.

                “A Porsche,” she mumbled.

                I hit the brakes and felt my seatbelt tighten against my chest, I thanked my luck that we were the only ones on the road.

                Kathy looked shocked, “what the hell did you do that for?”

                “A Porsche? He bought you a Porsche and she won’t let you have it? What kind of messed up thing is that? You don’t simply pass up a car, certainly not a Porsche!” I set the car in drive and slid into the parking lot and parked near the entrance between a sedan and a SUV.

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