Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I could hear the steady thud of the bass all the way up to my house, it sounded like a heart working overtime. The clock was almost ten now, I had planned on showing up a little after ten, that way the party would already be packed and everyone would be ready to rumble.

                I was standing in front of my mirror for a final touch up. My black party top with a silver print fell in layers down my body and ended at my thighs, I had the arms of my leather jacket pushed up to my elbows – the jacket was what I liked to call the perfect party accessorize, it was short and ended at the middle of my rips and the arms where loose enough to be pushed up – I rummaged through one of the two boxes labeled shoes and found the shoe box I was looking for – I only had a few pair of shoes that was actually designer, and those I kept safely packed away in their boxes. I opened the box and slipped my feet into my absolute favorite shoes, a pair of Alexander Wang’s Lace Up Booties, the short edition that stopped by the ankle.

                I stood up and ruffled my hair – I hated when it looked like it had been combed and smoothed down – making it look kind of wild and playful. I ditched the extensions, they were always so inconvenient in these situations. I wasn’t bringing a purse so I took my cellphone and placed it securely inside my bra, and I was good to go! I smiled wickedly at the person in the mirror and she smiled back.

                I went down the stairs and crossed the hall and went over to the living room where the rest of my family was perched in front of the TV, I didn’t even want to know what they were watching. “I got invited to a party down the street, so don’t wait up,” I said and headed for the door. My parents didn’t care much if I drank alcohol or went to parties, as long as I knew what I was doing and they knew they could trust me.

                I was just about to close the front door when Talon stepped out, “you want me to come with you?” he asked, “because you know it’s no problem,” he looked me straight in the eyes, I was almost as tall as him now in my heels – with my heels I was hovering around 5.11”.

                “It’s okay, I’ll be fine. I promise to text you if something happens,” I gave my sweet brother a hug before I walked down the two porch steps and crossed the gravel.

                There were cars parked all the way through the street, and while walking down two houses I wondered if they would be doing shots – I hoped so – or if the people around here were more sophisticated in their ways – I surely hoped not.

                The door was wide open so I didn’t bother to try the doorbell, chances of it being heard over the noise were slim. I made my way through the crowd of teens, trying to find one of the few people I had met during my two days, so I wouldn’t look like a total loner. I spotted Kelly and Jesse by the kitchen and set off towards them, “hey,” I shouted as I leaned over the counter.

                Jesse was the one who turned around first, “hey. You came,” he said and bumped Kelly’s shoulder so she’d shift her attention from whatever she was doing at the other counter to where I stood.

                I shrugged at Jesse’s comment, not wanting to lead him on. Kelly gave me a welcoming hug before stepping back. To avoid awkward silence I figured I would just throw myself to the sharks and not care about anything for a night, “so you guys doing shots or what?” I asked.

                Kelly grinned at me, “I like you,” she took my hand and led me around the counter and handed me shot glass with something pink in it, “cheers,” she said and held it up.

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