Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I woke up Saturday morning my head was foggy, I was foggy. Until I remembered last night, then my body wouldn’t relax anymore and I even started trembling. I laid under the covers of my bed, unaware of how I had gotten there because the last thing I remembered was sitting on the roof with Alex. . .  I didn’t want to face the world today, I really didn’t.

 Today the world was an evil place that obviously got a kick from seeing me down, why did I have to feel like this? I was more depressed and miserable than I was hungover, all because of Alex’s stupid behavior. Damn that stupid, selfish, daring boy! He had fucked everything up!

I slid half my face out from under the cover – it was getting dangerously low on oxygen under there – and eyed the door to my bathroom. I wasn’t sure I dared to take a shower, with the mood I was in now I was most likely to drown myself in the tub. I shook that thought off immediately, I wasn’t suicidal, thinking like that was dangerous.

I sighed, sat up and planted my bare feet on the cold wooden floor, flinching a little at the sudden change of temperature. To my relief I was still in my party clothes, luckily that boy hadn’t made things worse by undressing me, that would’ve sent me into a deep water of panic for sure. . . 

I got up and started to undress, throwing the clothes at the floor as I made my way towards the shower, it didn’t tempt me but I needed to get rid of the stench of smoke and alcohol that probably reeked off of me like a cheap perfume.

I finished in record time and I was pretty sure that it qualified for a spot in Guinness World Records, my throat was as dry as asphalt on a hot summer day, but drinking water was no good yet, it felt like I was swallowing sand instead of water, not something I would recommend by the way.

When I entered my room again in a white robe and my hair wrapped in a white towel, I spotted a piece of paper lying in my window sill. I walked over and grabbed the little paper which was the same size as my palm, it looked like it was torn out from one of my notebooks, I couldn’t be sure. It revealed some digits signed with call me so we can hang out, Alex. I scoffed, he wish! That was so not happening.

I opened one of the drawers on my desk and grabbed my blood red lighter and walked back into the bathroom. Note in hand I lit the lighter and held the paper over the bright flame, I held it until my fingers were dangerously close to the flames, and then I dropped it in the sink and watched how the paper first crumbled and turned brown before it vanished into black and brown pieces. I turned on the water and watched as the remaining pieces disappeared down the drain.

Leaving the lighter by the sink I walked downstairs, ready for some breakfast but only to be met by utter silence as I walked down the stairs. That was weird. . . I was usually the last person to get up in the morning and now there were no one here? I walked into the kitchen, flipping on lights as I went on. The clock told me that it was 8:30am, wow, that was a first. I never slept long after I had been to a party but this, this was something new. I started thinking back and came to the conclusion that I probably had never woken up at this time by myself without any alarms or parents, if you didn’t count birthdays or Christmases.

I rummaged through the cupboards for some cereal and put some of it in a bowl before filling it with milk. I made my way back up the two stairs that led to my room, trying very carefully not to spill any of the milk. Fortunately I didn’t spill anything before I was about to put the bowl down beside my bed, that was just my luck, so I unwrapped the towel from my head threw it upon that little spot of clear white milk before walking towards the box labeled movies.

The cable people had still not made any appearance so that meant that I was faced with three options 1) turn on my computer and play solitaire, 2) draw 3) watch a movie. Since solitaire was out of the question and I was in no mood to draw anything of any sorts I grabbed a scissor and stabbed it into the box which contained some of my movies to get rid of the tape so that it would open.

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