I loved coming here as a child, the grounds are large and have mazes and gardens all over the place. There are ponds with koi and streams running through some of the gardens. The mansion is large and beautiful with professionally decorated rooms that make the house feel lived in instead of a museum like a lot of mansions do.

As our cars pull in, my grandfather is standing on the front steps smiling, he looks the same, he looks like he is in his early thirties. When we get out he greets me "AXian, come here my boy, I have missed you."

I am careful of how I touch him to make sure I don't pick up anything from him, he is old enough to make me sick or knock me out if I can't control the amount of information from him.

He is also careful with me and after our hug, he smiles "So is this your husband?"

I nod turn to him and put my hand out for him to take, he moves closer to me and takes my hand "Lan Zhan this is my grandfather, Shen, Yeye this is my husband, Lan Wangji."

I see a knowing glint in my grandfather's eyes as he looks at my husband he smiles "It's an honor to meet the great Hanguang Jun, Light Bearing Lord." he bows low to him.

Lan Zhan smiles "It is a pleasure to meet a child of Baoshan Sanren and a blood relative of my husband." He bows back.

My grandfather smiles and winks at me "Come let's get inside and we can finish our introductions hm?"

We nod and follow him into the newly decorated living room. Its colors are understated maroons, dark greens, creams and soft browns. We all walk into the room and he offers us a seat, we sit and I clear my throat.

"Yeye, I want to introduce you to our son, this is Lan Sizhui" I smile pointing at our son proudly.

He looks at Sizhui "It is also an honor to meet the great Weiguang Jun, Glimmering Lord." He bows again.

AYuan stands and gives him his sweet smile "A pleasure to meet you too Laoye." He bows respectfully.

He laughs and then his eyes turn to Deng Chao "No need to introduce this wayward brat, he is the reason I am here. Thank you for calling me AChao, had you not I wouldn't have known anything."

I look between the two quizzically "What do you mean Yeye?"

He clears his throat and says "Wait we have two more joining us."

I sit down next to Lan Zhan nodding and we are served tea "I see I am going to be a great grandpa again AXian, AChao tells me you are having triplets?"

I nod smiling and rubbing my baby bump happily "Yes, identical twins and then a third baby in its own sac. We should be able to get the genders in another five to six weeks. I can't wait to see what we are going to have."

He smiles at me "That's wonderful, I'm so happy for the two of you. Oh, it looks like our other guests have arrived, I will be right back."

He gets up and leaves the room and I look at my husband "Well, what do you think?"

Lan Zhan smiles at me "I like him, I can tell he loves you and that's all I need to know about him."

I blush and grin like a fool at my sweet husband "You are so wonderful Lan Zhan, I am so lucky to have you."

He leans over and kisses me "I am the lucky one," he says as he puts a hand on my belly and looks at me with love in his eyes.

We turn when we hear voices and my heart drops at the familiar tones, my aunt and uncle walk into the room with my grandfather, and they stop when they see us.

She turns to her father "Dad what the hell is the meaning of this? Why is the spawn here? Make him lea..."

She doesn't say anything else because she has been silenced, I turn and look at Lan Zhan but he shakes his head, so I look over at AYuan and see a satisfied glint in his eyes. I giggle and look over at my grandfather who is grinning.

"It's about time someone shut you up, when did you become such a harpy daughter?" he asks her as she fumes and turns red with anger.

He gives her a stern look "Come in and sit down." He points to Uncle Xu Wen "And you sit and say nothing."

They walk in and sit as far away as they can from us, Lan Zhan moves closer to me and I can see the disciples have also taken up protective positions around us.

"Yeye why are they here?" I look at him perplexed as to why he would bring them here.

He smiles sadly at me "I am sorry, I did not know the hardships you dealt with at their hands. I wish you had told me about it but none of you did, not you or my other grandchildren. For this, I am very disappointed in all of you. I would have never allowed for it to continue had I known."

I nod and put my head down in shame at disappointing him, he looks over at my aunt "AYu, how could you treat your own flesh and blood this way? How could you be so cruel to him, exploit him and then turn and tell me how happy all of you are, how much you love all of your children, how content you are with your life? You even had the others lie to me and tell me everything was fine, that all of you were just a normal happy family."

He turns and looks at AYuan "Sunzi (grandson) will you please remove the silence charm?"

He looks at Lan Zhan who nods and he takes a deep breath "I will remove it but if she continues to insult my mom, I will silence her again."

He nods "I understand, thank you for removing it."

Wey Yu Zi sputters "How dare you! Mom? What the hell"

Grandfather roars interrupting her "Enough! I have had it with your shrew's tongue and your vicious ways."

She shrinks back from her father, and he looks at her with anger "Let me ask you something daughter, do you remember when I told you about being immortal?"

She finally looks somewhat scared and nods but doesn't say anything "Do you remember the stories I told you girls when you were children about Hanguang Jun and the Yiling Patriarch?"

She nods again confusion showing on her face "Do you remember the legend I told you about surrounding them?"

She nods clearing her throat "Yes Father, torn apart by lies and deceit in life one, they lost their chance to share their love, rebirth lets their love be realized only to be torn apart once again by age in life two, their love transcending even death, they will come back together. The life lost twice will be reborn thrice and he will walk into the arms of his soul mate, their souls will bond, and gained immortality will keep them together for all time."

My Eternal Twin FlameWhere stories live. Discover now