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Wey Ying's POV cont.

The dinner for the "in-laws" to meet goes well and everyone behaves themselves. It's a pleasant evening and I can't help but giggle to myself as I watch my parents gush over Lan Zhan and I's pairing to his "Aunt and Uncle" knowing that to Lan Zhan these are his juniors. It's such a strange concept and yet when you are on the inside it's quite funny.

The engagement party is the next night and it is very elegant and formal with several business associates and partners joining in the festivities. Lan Zhan stays with me the whole night so that my parents don't have the opportunity to use me for their own gain by using my ability to their advantage. The ceremony is very traditional and although it is just a formality and we are already married it gives me a sense that we are really joined now. I feel more like we are a real couple that will spend the rest of our lives together. I guess it makes me feel like it's all real and not just something I cooked up in my chaotic brain.

A few days later I think back to the night Lan Zhan, I and AYuan had dinner together.

'After finding out about Lan Zhan and I being AYuan's parents I'm even more curious about my past lives. Why was I gone for thirteen years? Where was I? Why wasn't I there for my family? We find out that Guo Cheng will be in town Tuesday through Thursday, I have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays so we decide to go out for an early dinner and karaoke on Wednesday that way my son (That's so weird to say) can spend time with his soulmate.'

'Yes, they told me about them being soulmates as well and I'm happy that they get another chance to be together. It makes sense why my best friend has always flirted with others but never really showed any actual interest in anyone, he has been waiting apparently, he just didn't know it.'

I go to my classes on Tuesday it's been a very nice day, I haven't been harassed, and I have been able to get to my classes with a minimum of fuss. I still have hangers-on who want more details about my "mystery man" and of course, some of my fan girls have not been very happy to know that I have someone in my life and that it's a man. One of them told me that she was happy I was with a man which means that she didn't fail to attract me because of something she did. I wish they all saw it that way.

Wednesday comes and I am excited to get to spend time with everyone and go have some fun for a change. AYuan comes over and we all get ready to go out for the night. One of the rooms here is AYuan's, he lives on his own but has a room here so he has clothes and the things that he would need to get ready here.

Lan Zhan calls Chef Shen and lets him know that we need a private room and there will be eleven of us eating with him tonight. Lan Zhan, AYuan and I are meeting everyone there, when we walk in we see Xichen and Wang Zhuo are already there and sitting next to each other, I smile as I watch them be shy with each other. 'Cute'

My siblings and Li Bowen show up around the same time and I see my brother Xing grab Bowen's hand and pull him into the seat next to him. Guo Cheng is the last to arrive and he walks in with a small bouquet of flowers, walks over to AYuan and smiles as he sits next to him, handing him the flowers.

'Holy crap my best friend is going to be my son-in-law, man my life is sooooo weird.'

AYuan smiles shyly at him and accepts the flowers then kisses Cheng on the cheek making him blush. I laugh to myself as I watch the new couples being all sweet and shy with each other. I catch Lan Zhan's eye and he smirks and bends over and sucks my neck lightly causing chills to run down my body, making me shiver. I blush and realize I am right with the rest of them, a blushing mess in front of the object of my affection.

The waiter comes in and takes our drink orders and gives each of us a menu to look over.

I smile at AYuan "Take a look and see what looks good, they have a great variety of items on the menu." I say as I glance at my own menu.

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