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I wake up the next morning with him still sleeping peacefully in my arms. I don't want this to end so I lay there simply enjoying him being so close to me. Unable to stop myself I place a kiss on his forehead, he shifts and cuddles me tighter. 

I chuckle at how adorable he is and tighten my arms around him. He moans softly, waking up a little, he raises his head and looks at me, he smiles then lays his head back down on my chest. I grin and wait for it. Three, two, one. He snaps up pulls the covers over his chest and stares at me with wide eyes.

"Who are you, where am I?" He pants clutching the covers to his chest like a maiden.

I smile at him "Good morning Wey Ying, do you remember anything from last night?"

He scrunches his brow thinking, I turn on my side and prop my head on my hand "What's the last thing you remember?"

'Um, I wasn't feeling well so went to the bathroom, and" he gasps "That jerk Li Han forced a kiss on me." His shoulders drop and he looks sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"He stole my first kiss." He says visibly upset.

I sit up and take his hand "I'm sorry I didn't come in in time to save you from that happening. I wish I had walked in sooner."

His head is hanging low and he sniffs "I should have bit him but I didn't want to unclench my teeth. I didn't want his disgusting tongue in my mouth." He shivers.

I squeeze his hand "Well then he technically didn't steal your first real kiss. A peck on the mouth is a kiss, yes but even babies do that. You still have your first intimate kiss to give."

He raises his head and looks at me then gives me a shy smile "You're right, I still have that kiss. Thank you for reminding me of that."

He looks down shyly and then freezes, his gaze stopping on our joined hands. His head snaps up and his mouth is hanging open, he pulls his hand back and starts rubbing his hands over each other like he's searching for something.

Confused I ask "What's wrong? What are you looking for?"

He shakes his head a look of wonder on his face "I-I don't have any liquid glove on."

I tilt my head still confused "Do you normally have it on?"

He nods then grabs my hand, he turns my hand over and looks at my palm then flips my hand back over. He lets go of my hand and grabs my face and neck "Wey Ying what are you doing?"

He whispers "It's incredible, I can't believe it." He hops off the bed then comes back and does it again.

Finally, I grab him "Wey Ying what are you doing?"

He looks me in the eyes and he begins to tear up, he sniffs then laughs "I get nothing from you, absolutely nothing. Just touch, no pictures, no memories, not a single thing about you." He looks at me in awe. He laughs again then plows into me hugging me tightly.

I hug him back as he continues to laugh and hug me, slowly realization dawns on me. He sits back and gives me an absolutely breathtaking smile.

I smile back "I'm very glad I make you happy, can I ask you a question though?"

He nods, and I clear my throat "Do you get things like images from people when you touch them?"

He nods "I see everything from one day to their whole life, no matter who I touch no matter where I touch them. I see it all, or used to, I've gained some control over it but last night was too much and it overwhelmed me." 

"When Li Han kissed me I lost control and saw way more than I ever wanted to know about him. But you, touching you I don't get anything, not one single image. That's never in my life happened, I couldn't even be held by certain people as a child because my ability would make me scream and cry. I wear liquid gloves pretty much all the time unless..."

My Eternal Twin FlameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin