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Author's POV

Wey Ying and Lan Zhan are feeding their babies, Wey Ying is feeding their oldest son. He has been very protective of him since he was taken from him at birth before he could even touch him. The only one he will let hold him is his husband, he looks down at the beautiful face and coos as his baby gets sleepy while eating. After the two babies are done eating Lan Zhan hands him their youngest son and Wey Ying feeds him while he watches.

"I love watching you feed our children, Wey Ying, I love watching you with them. I am such a lucky man, I have a beautiful family all thanks to you, my love. I keep wondering if I am just in a beautiful dream but if I am I never want to wake up." He looks lovingly at his husband.

Wey Ying smiles "I love you, Lan Zhan, you have given me everything, including forever with you, I won't ask for more than what I have right now. I am just grateful to have been blessed with you and our children and that's enough for me."

Lan Zhan stands and kisses his forehead then looks down at the sleeping baby still feeding while he sleeps and he smiles "I love you too my beautiful bunny."

Once their son is done eating Lan Zhan puts him down to sleep and sits on the chair next to him. "You and the babies can go home tomorrow, they just want to keep you and make sure there are no issues since you didn't give birth conventionally. The babies room is ready and everyone should be here soon."

As they are talking the door opens and a beautiful woman in her early thirties walks in, she smiles and her blue-gray eyes sparkle with wisdom, untold knowledge, love and happiness. "My sweet boy, how are you? Where are my grandbabies?"

Wey Ying and Lan Zhan both smile, Wey Ying says excitedly "Grandmother! I'm so glad you are here. Come over and look they are right there." He points to the bassinettes the babies are in.

She makes an O with her mouth as she approaches them and puts her hand on her heart as she looks at each one then grins looking at the two men "Oh you two did good, they are so beautiful. I'm very proud of you two, they are so perfect, I have gifts for each of them but I will wait until you are out of here. Why are you here anyway? You are immortal, you should be healed and they don't need to stay in the hospital they are healthy."

Wey Ying looks at Lan Zhan who nods and they proceed to tell her what happened and why they are all still here. She scowls and her ears turn red as her anger rises, her eyes flash and she looks at each man "What have you considered for her punishment?"

Lan Zhan clears his throat "We have her secured but we haven't had an opportunity to discuss her punishment as of yet, all of this happened just a few hours ago and we were making sure Wey Ying and the babies were fine and settled before talking about her."

Baoshan smirks "Well since it is my flesh and blood who was wronged, I want a say in what is done to her. I would like the final say but since you are his soul-bound mate I will let it be your final decision."

Lan Zhan shakes his head "I don't mind if you are the final word, I believe that you will do what needs to be done fairly if not a bit harshly."

She quirks a brow "I will only be as harsh as she was to my grandchildren. I will read her first and then make a decision based on what I see in her mind just as I did with his aunt."

Wey Ying tilts his head "What do you mean read her Grandmother? Can you do what I can do? What did you do with Aunt Yu?"

She gives him a half smile "It's not exactly like your ability sweet boy, I can look into their memories only, I can't see their life as they have lived it. As for your Aunt Yu, for her cruelty to you and her need for possessions, wealth and status I gave her the exact opposite. She shows remorse however only after finding out who you are. That was not good enough for me, so all of her possessions were sold and the money was put into a trust for any of her grandchildren. She has no wealth, no possessions other than the clothes on her back and the food I put in her mouth and she has no status. She now works with orphaned and abused children; she reads their cases and learns what they went through and then she feels what they went through. Much like your ability, I made a talisman that gives her the ability to see and feel everything they endured, so that she understands what cruelty can do to a child, how it affects them and the lasting damage it can cause. She will do this for the rest of her life, she is slowly learning and is now showing real remorse not just for what she did to you but for what these children have had to go through. I think she will be more empathetic and understanding in her next life."

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