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Author's POV

As Wey Ying gradually surfaced from the depths of unconsciousness, the antiseptic scent of the hospital room replaced the earlier oppressive stench of sweat and fear. The sterile whiteness of the room contrasted sharply with the dark memories of the assault etched into his battered body.

His eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that, despite their lingering signs of trauma, now held a glint of consciousness. The hospital lights are harsh on his sensitive eyes still swollen from the beating.

The left side of his face was covered in bruises and scrapes, the swelling from his broken fingers and a broken wrist limiting his already slow movements. A wince flickered across his features as he attempted to shift, a reminder of the three fractured ribs protesting with each breath. He tries to gasp from the pain but it hurts too much to get enough breath to even do that much. The beeping of medical equipment provides a stark contrast to the memories of the room where he had been held captive and beaten.

As he gains awareness, a mix of relief and fear flickers in his eyes. He sighed in relief realizing that he was no longer being held by those five men whose brutality he had endured, each injury a painful reminder that someone wanted everything he had worked so hard to build but also more than likely his life.

He looks around the room through blurry swollen eyes and sees the rough silhouette of Lan Zhan holding his hand, his head lying on the bed next to their entwined fingers. He squeezes his fingers causing the other man to wake with a start.

"Wey Ying, my Wey Ying, don't try to move too much baobei, you have several painful injuries, and it will hurt if you try to move. Don't try to speak love you have a hairline fracture on your jaw and it will make speaking difficult and painful. Here let me adjust your bed instead of you trying to sit up alright?"

He nods looking at Lan Zhan who grabs the remote for the bed and adjusts it so that Wey Ying is sitting up and not lying down.

He sits back down and takes his right hand again "You have three cracked ribs so be careful try not to take deep breaths, your fingers are broken and your wrist is fractured that's why it is strapped down to the board so you don't move. You have a stab wound on your leg that will probably give you some pain when you move your leg. We have been sharing energy when we dual cultivate and I can share my energy with you to help you heal, I want to teach you how to send energy to specific areas of your body to help you heal it faster, mainly right now your jaw understand?"

Wey Ying nods Lan Zhan smiles at him "I know you are probably thirsty, I'm going to give you some water through a straw, don't try to open your mouth just let me slide the straw in and then you can sip the water."

He nods his eyes shining showing he wants the water, Lan Zhan pours the cup of water puts the bendy straw in it, and slides it gently between Wey Ying's lips. He takes a tentative sip and closes his eyes then opens them back up and takes another gentle sip. He nods his head letting Lan Zhan know he is done.

He puts the cup down "I'm going to explain to you how to move your energy to where you want it, don't get upset if you can't do it at first it takes practice. Just take your time when we start and soon you will be able to maneuver your energy to specific locations within your body. The good thing is once you learn it you will always be able to do it so if you are ever injured you can use this technique. I learned it about eight hundred years ago from an immortal I met while traveling, I found it fascinating and now I find it useful. Ok, are you ready to try?"

Wey Ying looks at his husband and nods tilting his lips up in a half smile. Lan Zhan grins at him "Good then let's begin."

Lan Zhan explains to Wey Ying how to go into himself and find his core, to see the energy that flows through him from it and how to draw that energy into a single point on his body. Wey Ying is very frustrated because he is not able to attain this ability on the first day, between his friends and family coming and going and the nurses coming in to check his vitals and change his I.V. fluids, he is interrupted several times and ends up falling asleep in the late afternoon hours. He sleeps for several hours and wakes to see his hospital room empty save for Lan Zhan who is sitting beside him. He hums making noise so Lan Zhan can see that he is awake.

Lan Zhan looks up and sees those beautiful eyes of his love and smiles "Hello baobei, did you have a good rest?"

Wey Ying nods and reaches out his hand for Lan Zhan who takes it immediately. He stands up and leans over, places a butterfly kiss on his husband's mouth and looks into his eyes "I have missed you baobei, are you feeling better?"

He nods slightly and shrugs a bit letting the other man know that he sort of is. Lan Zhan smiles at him "Are you ready to try to direct your energy again?"

He nods enthusiastically and closes his eyes and Lan Zhan's deep baritone voice guides him through the steps and how and where to direct it. They try until late into the night and slowly Wey Ying is able to direct small amounts of his spiritual energy to his jaw, the pain is subsiding but is still there letting him know that he has not healed it completely, but he has done something. He continues throughout the night and by morning the pain in his jaw is gone.

The doctor enters the room and smiles at seeing his patient "I'm glad to see you awake Mr. Wey, you look like you are feeling better today."

He nods and looks at Lan Zhan "I taught him how to channel his energy and his jaw is pain-free, can you have it checked to see if it has healed?"

The doctor smiles "Goodness that was fast, I've heard that skill is extremely difficult to learn and can take some years to be able to manipulate the energy in their bodies and here you are doing it in a day." He smiles and shakes his head.

"I will have imaging come and get him and get a scan of his jaw, in a few minutes, if healed we can take him off of the I.V. and he can eat solid food but start with something softer, he might still have some tenderness around the jaw area."

Both men nod at the doctor and Lan Zhan says "Thank you, I know he is ready to take the jaw sling off.

Wey Ying nods looking between both men, the doctor smiles wider "I'll have them come get you in a few minutes then."

He bows slightly and walks out of the room and less than ten minutes later two men come and take Wey Ying to imaging for the scan.

He is brought back in twenty minutes later without his jaw sling and a smile on his beautiful face "Lan Zhan my jaw is healed, thank you."

They help him back into bed and he gets comfortable but with a lot of wincing and gasps that cause more wincing. He is panting and sweating by the time he gets back into bed, his face contorted in a grimace until he can finally get his pain under control. A nurse walks in and gives him something for pain in his I.V. port, it takes a little bit to start working but when it does he gets drowsy.

"Lan Zhan, what happened, how did I get away from those kidnappers? How did I get to the hospital and did they get caught?" he asks fear still hidden in his swollen bruised eyes.

Lan Zhan takes a breath and explains how they found him and that the men were taken care of but the person behind it hasn't been caught yet because they don't have proof of who did it, yet.

Wey Ying nods "I understand, I don't want the wrong person to take the blame and suffer for the actions of someone else. I need to start trying to heal the rest of my injuries, it hurts like a bitch to breathe. I also want to be able to see your gorgeous face without a blurry haze around you." He puts his head back on the pillow, the pain meds taking effect and making it difficult to hold up his head or keep his eyes open.

Lan Zhan looks at his husband "Sleep Wey Ying, I am here."

With those words, he shuts his eyes, his breathing is shallow but becomes even and his body usually taut with pain relaxes into slumber.

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