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Author's POV

Wey Ying spends the next few weeks doing exams, getting his companies prepared for his partial absence when they go to Cloud Recesses and preparing for their wedding.

"Lan Zhan I have another fitting this afternoon for my wedding dress robes, I shouldn't be gone more than a few hours, do you want to go out tonight when I get back?" Wey Ying asks from the bathroom as he is getting ready for his day.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" Lan Zhan asks as he works on his latest song project.

"I don't know let's do something fun, how about we could wander around the mall and do some shopping before the wedding. Christmas is coming soon we could get some of our gifts purchased and grab a bite to eat while we are there." He says hopeful.

"Sure, that sounds good to me, what time is your fitting?"

"It's at two so why don't we meet back here around four-thirty or five." He says thinking that will give him time to get to his fitting and time to get back home.

Lan Zhan nods as he walks into the bathroom and kisses Wey Ying on the back of his neck "Sounds great, I'll see you then love. I have to head to the studio to finalize the track for this song. I will see you this evening."

Wey Ying tilts his head back to lean on his husband's chest for a moment before humming "Mn, I love you and I'll see you later."

Lan Zhan kisses the side of his neck "I love you too baobei, see you after while."

He leaves the bedroom and gathers up his things and leaves for the studio. Wey Ying finishes getting ready and leaves for his office to finish up a few small meetings before his fitting.

He walks into his office with his CFO following him into his office. He sits behind his desk and looks at his longtime friend and right hand, the person who helped him build all of this.

"Ji Li, how are the businesses doing? Have there been any issues since the incorporation?"

Li shakes his head "Nope, everything has been smooth, we haven't had any issues with the integration nor have we had any issues with any outside interference."

"Great, I'm really glad to hear that, I was worried about my Aunty and Uncle but no issues so far is good." He smiles.

Li smiles back "I know and we have been diligent in making sure that there haven't been any problems. Wang Yi Fei has been monitoring any possible problems and sending me a report of all suspicious activities but so far everything is good to go. She has tightened up all of the internal security and tightened the encryption on all of our electronic data."

"Excellent, I know I can count on you guys and thank you for watching over the company daily while I have been dealing with all of my personal drama." He sighs.

"No problem that's what I'm here for, how are the wedding preparations going?" he sits back and looks at his friend.

"Good I have to go for a final fitting this afternoon then everything will be finalized. I'm ready to get all of this over with and just live my life with him." he smiles softly thinking about his Lan Zhan.

Ji Li laughs "Oh man you got it, bad brother, I'm very happy for you and don't worry about the company between me, Wang Yi Fei and Xu Kai we have it covered. Just get married and enjoy your honeymoon. Come back refreshed and ready to push WXY Inc. forward. Now let's get to these two meetings, I've gone over the preliminaries and everything looks fine this is just a formality, as long as you approve everything we can sign the papers."

Five-thirty Lan Zhan and Wey Ying's condo

Lan Zhan has his phone to his ear "Wey Ying where are you? Are you on your way? Why aren't you answering your phone? Call me when you get this."

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