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Author's POV cont.

Wey Ying wakes up about halfway through the flight home and looks around confused for a moment until he realizes where he is. He looks over at Lan Zhan and smiles "I need to use the restroom Lan Zhan will you order me a juice and something to eat?"

Smiling he nods "Of course, do you want something light like a snack?"

His eyes light up and he nods vigorously "Can I have some fruit and cheese with some of those little crackers I like?"

His husband chuckles at how adorable he is "Yes love you can, go do your business and I will order it."

He walks to the bathroom, he does his thing, washes his hands and smiles knowing he will get something good to eat soon. He walks out of the bathroom and sees one of the flight attendants trying very hard to get his husband's attention.

He chuckles as he walks back to his seat and looks at the woman "You are wasting your time, he doesn't swing that way, he swings this way." He says putting his hand on his small baby bump as he gives her a sarcastic eyebrow raise. He smirks as she blushes "Triplets" is all he says as he sits down next to his husband now ignoring the attendant who quickly finishes her job and leaves the area.

Acting as if nothing happened, he looks at the tray of food and then smiles at his husband "That looks good can I have a piece of the cheddar and a green apple slice?"

Lan Zhan smirks then nods and makes a small plate with a few pieces of cheese, a couple of crackers and several wedges of fruit, he places it in front of his husband then grabs his hand and kisses his knuckles all without saying a word.

The rest of the occupants of the aircraft snicker at the pregnant man's antics. They shake their heads and look at each other with smiles knowing that if he wanted to, he could have been so much worse.

When the plane lands and the occupants disembark, Xichen speaks to the pilot before he himself exits the plane. Three cars are waiting for them, the first Xichen walks to "Wangji I will see you and AXian later, I am going to the office, call me if either of you needs anything alright?"

Wangji nods "Alright gege, see you later." He takes Wey Ying's hand and they get into the second car with Sizhui. The rest of them get into the third car and all three leave the tarmac. Two of them turn towards Lan Wangji's condo while the other turns in the opposite direction.

Wangji looks at his husband "We will go to the condo and rest, tomorrow we will go to visit your companies alright?"

He nods and leans his head on Wangji's shoulder, his eyes drooping as the car lulls him.

He takes a deep breath "I was contacted by the detective on your case love, he wants to speak with us. His name is Feng Ming, I told him that we were out of town getting married, so he asked that we contact him when we got back."

Wey Ying nods and glances up at his husband "Does he know anything, has he found out who those men worked for?

Lan Zhan nods "He said he has some new information for us which is why he wants to talk to us. He didn't want to say it over the phone, he said he would prefer a face-to-face conversation when he relays the information."

Wey Ying curls his lip "Sounds ominous."

Lan Zhan hums "Mn, could be but maybe he is just being cautious. When we contact him we will let him know that we have security with us so that he can put us in a room large enough to accommodate us."

Wey Ying nods "That sounds good," he says then falls asleep. Lan Zhan checks his energy and realizes that he needs to share some with him, he sends a slow trickle of spiritual energy to him. They will be home soon so he will do more then. He will need to make sure he is keeping to the schedule as close as he can to give them his energy. They pull into the parking garage and as they walk to the elevator the Lan disciples surround them.

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