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Lan Zhan's POV cont.

I watch my beautiful husband lay in drug-induced sedation for another day before they stop giving him the drugs and allow him to wake up on his own. There have been family and friends in and out of the room in a near-constant rotation.

'They may not have been able to protect him growing up, but he never lacked for love based on what I have seen over the last day and a half, his siblings, his cousin, his Aunt Rini, and his friends have all been here taking care of him, talking to him and showing deep concern for him.'

I have been sending him spiritual energy slowly, so I don't overload his system and either hurt him or our child. His doctor walks into the room smiling "Good morning sir, how is our patient today?"

I look at the doctor "You tell me, he looks better but I'm not a professional."

The doctor walks over and visually scans Wey Ying "He is showing very quick healing, hmm I wonder."

The doctor takes his wrist in his hand and feels his pulse then looks at me "He has a golden core, feels like a strong one too."

I nod "Yes he does."

He smiles wider "Excellent, he will heal significantly faster than our normal patients, we don't get many patients these days with a core, I wonder how he formed it at such a young age?"

I shake my head not revealing his secrets "Ah well, this is good news, I will remove the sedation order so that he can begin waking on his own, with a core this strong there is no need to keep him asleep. He will be in some pain for a bit but we can help him manage it with some medication."

I look at Wey Ying and then back at the doctor "When can he go home?"

"If he heals well after he wakes, he can go home in a few days, I want to keep him here while his hairline fracture on his jaw heals since he won't be able to eat solid food. We can continue his nutritional needs through I.V. If he can direct his energy, he should be able to heal it on his own and get out of here that much faster but as a precaution at least a few more days." The doctor looks over Wey Ying's injuries and checks his bandages before looking at me nodding and leaving the room.

I look at my Wey Ying "Don't worry love I will teach you how to direct your energy and I will keep feeding you mine, so you don't have to expend yours."

I sit holding his hand and an hour or so before Rini walks into the room "Wangji, good morning, how are you sweetie?"

I smile at her "I'm good, the doctor came in, and they took him off of the sedation, since he has a golden core, he is healing faster than the average patient so they want to let him wake up so he can direct his spiritual energy."

She smiles "I knew my AXian was special in so many ways, he has always been so extraordinary, it makes sense to me that he would be one of the special ones who has a core."

She brushes the back of her fingers lightly over his exposed cheek. She looks back at me "Someone so special must surely have someone they love who is just as special, am I right?"

I look at her knowing eyes and nod, her smile is radiant "I knew it, protect him, show him what to do. There is no need for me to tell you to love him, I can see it written all over your face how much you already do. Nothing I say will deepen your already fathomless love for him."

I smile softly at the amazing woman standing before me "No there is no need, I have loved him my whole life and will continue to do so until time itself ceases to exist."

Her brow furrows and I can see the wheels in her head spinning at my words, her eyes widen slightly and she quietly gasps "How many lives have you two lived together? Or should I ask how many of his lives have you lived with him?"

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