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Lan Zhan's POV cont.

Sizhui smiles at her and then laughs looking at Wey Ying and me asking permission. We nod and he grins then looks back at Qing "You have always been my Auntie; you are the reincarnation of my aunt from my childhood. Ning, you are also my uncle reincarnated from my childhood, you were siblings in your past life."

Xing looks at them then at Sizhui "Was I also your uncle in my past life?"

He nods and smiles "After a fashion."

He looks confused and Wey Ying giggles "You were my uncle, Xing, so you were his Great Uncle."

Yang looks stunned and then clears his throat "Who was I in your past life AXian."

Wey Ying smiles "It took me a while to figure out who you were in my past life, but I finally did. You were the man who raised me, just as you have raised me in this life, you raised me in my first life. You were best friends with my parents and when they died you took me in and raised me as your own. I called you Uncle Fengmian."

He grins "You were actually Zhuo and Rini's father in your past life, they were brother and sister. We were all raised as siblings, we grew up together, played, fought and nearly all died together. Rini or Yanli in her previous life and I died on the same day. I still find it strange to have three different lives worth of memories floating around up here." He smiles pointing to his head.

I can hear a few sniffles around the room, and I clear my throat "Alright everyone, I think we have had enough of walking down memory lane for tonight. We can reminisce more later, for now, let's all say our goodnights and head to our quarters."

I take Wey Ying by the hand and we walk slowly back to Jingshi he looks at me and smiles "Lan Zhan, it's so nice and strange to have people from my past lives still living to this day. It was fun hearing the stories of our lives together. Of everything, that to me is what is most important, that in all of the stories, it's always you and me. It makes me so happy to know that there are witnesses to our lives together and our love for each other."

I nod and smile at him "Yes it is, there is no Lan Zhan without his Wey Ying. You have been my reason for being since we were teenagers in your first life. I can hardly remember a time when you weren't a part of my life in some way. Down to our meeting as small children, we have always been destined to be together. You are my soulmate, the one meant for me out of the millions and billions of people on this planet, you are the only one meant to be mine."

I grab him and pull him into a tight hug and he wraps his arms around me holding me just as tight. We stand like that, the moon there to witness our closeness. I lean down, place a gentle kiss on his lips and inhale his scent with a soft moan. "I love you so much my Wey Ying and I need you now baobei."

He giggles and nods "Yes, take me home Lan Zhan, I need you just as much and I love you with my whole being."

I bend down, pick him up, carry him to our home and kick the door closed with my foot.

Author's POV

Unbeknownst to the couple a pair of eyes are watching their every move with rage shining in their depths. They watch the couple embrace with such deep affection, they hear their declaration of love and need between them, they watch the couple move into their shared home until the door closes behind them, and they turn and storm off, hate and jealousy burning in their heart like an inferno.

Lan Zhan takes his prize and lays him on the bed, he removes their clothes and smiles down at the delectable man spread out before him. "You are so beautiful Wey Ying, you are perfection."

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