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Wey Ying's POV cont.

Xichen says "Dr. Wue will you please allow Xian to touch you?"

He nods and walks closer to me Xichen looks at me "Dr. Wue is a part of the Lan Clan and has a golden core like we told you before. Touch him and see how old he is, you can go back as far as you want to get his current age."

I look at Lan Zhan and he nods, I gulp not sure if they are just messing with me or what. I take a deep breath and reach out and touch him. "I see him as a child in a place in the mountains training, meditating, learning how to use a sword, a bow and arrows. I see him traveling around killing monsters and dead people that are walking around. I see him flirting with petty girls in older-style clothes, and I see him living his life through different times until the present. He is over two hundred years old."

I look at them one by one and then at Dr. Wue and ask "You are really over two hundred years old?"

He smiles gently "Yes"

They remove the wires connected to my head signaling that we are done for now.

I look at Lan Zhan my heart racing, he can see the question in my eyes "Baobei Dr. Wue is the youngest person in this room besides you."

I gasped, my mind going haywire with the impossibility and yet I just saw the proof myself. In a small voice, I ask "Lan Zhan, how old are you?"

He clears his throat, takes a deep breath looks deep into my eyes and says "Wey Ying I'm Two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight years old. Unlike Dr. Wue, I am immortal and so is Xichen. There are several of the Lan family who are immortal and most of the others of the clan are long-lived because of their golden cores. I told you I would be honest with you, I will never lie to you."

Stunned I sit there for a long time and then I nod to myself "Why can't I read you, Lan Zhan?"

He glances at Xichen then looks at me "We think there are a few factors and for this, there is more you need to know and I'm not sure you are ready to hear it."

I think for a few minutes 'Am I ready to hear more or have I had enough for today? Fuck it I'm a rip the band-aid off kind of guy always have been.'

"Tell me, I want to know."

He takes a breath and nods "Alright, you can't read me unless I open myself up to you because we are soulmates and my immortality. You have already lived two lives and were with me in both, we were married for nearly a century in one of them. It was told to me that you would come back to me again and I have been waiting over two thousand years for you to be reborn."

My jaw drops I sit there speechless for a long time, I stand up and walk around to process what I've been told and what I've learned today.

Finally, I turn back to him "We just got together like a few days ago, why are you telling me all of this, aren't you afraid of scaring me off, of freaking me out?"

He smiles "My Wey Ying can't be scared off that easily, I'm telling you this now because you have a strong golden core, you have the ability to cultivate that core and become an immortal like me and to be honest I'm being a selfish bastard because I don't want to live without you ever again."

"If that's the case, why didn't I cultivate in my last life to become immortal?" I ask.

"Your last body didn't have a strong golden core, it couldn't be cultivated past a certain point. In that life, you only lived to be one hundred and thirty-two." He says with a sad look in his eyes.

I tilt my head "Is there a way to see my past lives? I want to know what my lives were like."

He nods "Yes, the sword you picked up and unsheathed is yours, between it and your dizi both of which were with you for a great portion of your life you can see your past lives. I won't lie to you though, parts of your lives were tragic and you need to be prepared before you make the decision to see your past."

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