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I cock my head thinking that something about that sounds familiar. My attention is diverted when Yang walks into the house, I smile and run up to him and hug him. He grins "AYing, how are you today?"

He looks me over as if making sure I haven't been harmed I smile "I'm good da ge, Lan Zhan saved me from Li Han last night, I also passed out and he took care of me." I tell him in a low voice so my mother can't hear me.

He nods and wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk into the living room. Smiling I introduce them "Lan Zhan this is my eldest brother, Yang, Yang this is my soon-to-be husband Lan Wangji."

The two men shake and size each other up as they do then Yang nods and sits near our mother.

Lan Zhan addresses Yang "We have been discussing the engagement and wedding. The engagement ceremony will be held next Sunday hosted by the Lans and the wedding will be held a month from the engagement. The engagement contract should be delivered within the next few hours and the bride price will be paid once the contract is signed. I've requested that the family lawyer be present today so that the contract can be signed by the end of today. Your mother and uncle are fine with these arrangements, do you have any objections to any of what I just said?"

Mother scoffs "It's already been decided, objections or not this will be completed."

Yang smiles indulgently "I do not have any objections as long as this is what AYing wants. His happiness comes first, when will his things need to be delivered to you?"

Lan Zhan grins "Our custom is that the couple will not be separated once they are engaged until the night before the wedding."

Yang nods "That sounds reasonable, I guess the only thing left to do is welcome you to the family." He shakes Lan Zhan's hand again.

Uncle comes back in grinning "Our lawyer will be here in an hour. We can chat and get to know each other until we get everything settled."

We spent the next hour going around doing questions and answers about both families, things we like to do and future aspirations. The lawyer showed up exactly an hour later and the contract was delivered half an hour after that. Lan Zhan, my uncle and my brother all went into my uncle's offices with the lawyer to go over the contract. I was left with my mother who I tried to ignore but alas I'm not that lucky.

"What did you do to get him to offer for you huh? Did you spread your legs for him or use that sarcastic mouth to pleasure him into it? Did you touch him and found out something to use to get him to take you? Come tell Mother what a fucking slut you are." she says her voice filled with malice.

My jaw drops at the venom she is spewing at me "I didn't do anything, I didn't do any of that. What is wrong with you?" I ask incredulously. 

"Don't lie to me, I know you did something, a man like that doesn't just happen to want a worthless brat like you without a damn good reason. You fucked him, didn't you? Let me guess, you are now pregnant and that's why he offered hmph, I'm not surprised." She sneers at me.

I shake my head the whole time she's accusing and berating me. A tear slides down my cheek "I've never had sex, I'm not pregnant, I swear I didn't do anything to make him propose. Why won't you believe me?"

She huffs "Dry your eyes, we don't want him to back out now, let him figure out how weak you are after he's hooked and can't back out."

I wipe my eyes and take a sip of tea to try and calm my nerves, not long after that conversation they all return to the living room. My uncle looks like he just won the jackpot, my brother looks pleased but not overly happy and Lan Zhan has a somewhat stoic look on his face.

Uncle announces "The contract has been signed and finalized, the bride price is being delivered now and all of the dates have been confirmed. Xian technically you are now his so make sure to show proper respect."

I look at him and nod, he laughs "Let's go into the dining room and have some lunch to celebrate this union shall we?"

We all move into the dining room and champagne is brought out along with several dishes for us to eat. My uncle talks happily with everyone while my mother pretends to be dainty and delicate. We celebrate for a few hours and then Lan Zhan announces that it's time for us to go.

He bows to everyone "Thank you for a lovely celebration, it's time for Wey Ying and me to head home, please make sure that his belongings are delivered promptly by nine a.m. tomorrow morning."

My uncle sputters "He's not going to leave with you until next Sunday."

Lan Zhan smiles "The Lan custom is that the engaged couple will not be separated until the night before the wedding, therefore he will be leaving with me tonight."

My uncle becomes angry "You aren't officially engaged until next Sunday."

Lan Zhan smirks "If you read the contract that was just signed a few hours ago you will note that the engagement is finalized as soon as the contract is signed, the engagement ceremony is merely a formality, not a finalization. A copy of the contract has already been filed, technically even the wedding is a formality by the stipulations of the contract Wey Ying/Xian is now legally Lan Ying/Xian and by all rights my legal husband. All rights are now under my control and any decisions that involve him have to be approved through me. So now that this issue has been cleared up, it's time for us to take our leave, thank you again for the celebration."

Yang stands "I'll walk you out."

My mother and uncle are sitting at the table unable to do anything about my leaving, my uncle is livid and my mother is irritated but will lose her shit when uncle explains to her what just happened. Lan Zhan holds my hand as we walk out the door with Yang following close behind.

At the car my brother surprises me by grabbing Lan Zhan in a hug "Thank you, thank you, you have no idea how grateful I am for what you've done for AYing. He deserves to live freely and I think he will get that with you. Make sure you secure AYing's wealth quickly before they try to freeze his assets and use it as leverage against him."

"Don't worry this is just the beginning, we're family now and we Lans take care of our own." Lan Zhan hugs him back.

My brother turns and scoops me up in a bear hug "My little didi, I love you, watch out for mom and uncle they will try and pull something, you know how they are."

I nod hugging him back "I will da ge, I love you too and don't worry I will figure out a way to save all of you too. We all deserve to live free da ge."

We get in the SUV and my brother waves to us as we leave my parent's house.

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