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Lan Zhan's POV

I watch my husband become lethargic and I decide it's enough healing for now. I pick him up and take him to our bedroom. He is all but asleep in my arms as I put him on our bed and pull the covers over him. I hear him mumble "I love you" to me before exhaustion takes him. I smile as I look at my beautiful Wey Ying and thank whatever deity is listening again for him.

I watch him for a while, my heart near to bursting knowing he is back in our home, in our bed, safe in my arms in the clouds where he has always belonged. I smooth his hair away from his forehead and look at the perfect planes of his face. His long black lashes, his pert perfect nose, his succulent kissable lips, that sexy little mole that drives me wild and his sharp jawline that has me salivating wanting to nibble it down to his neck.

I want to bite and mark him as mine for the whole clan to see, to show them that he is mine and no one else can claim him. I feel like my old possessiveness has come back as soon as we set foot on Lan clan lands. I want to hide him away so that nothing bad can ever happen to him, I want to keep him at my side every second of the day so that I can defend him against any foe who dares to threaten my Wey Ying.

I get up and walk over to the door, I see a clan disciple and ask them to go get Healer Xin. He bows and walks off to do my bidding and I sit down on the couch and wait for the healer to arrive. Healer Xin knocks on the door a while later and I get up and welcome him in.

"Thank you for coming Healer Xin, you are the oldest and most experienced of our healers and I want you to oversee Wey Ying from here on out personally. I also want you to pick your most trusted aid and have them deliver our food for now. I trust our clan but too much has happened recently and I just don't want to take any chances." I look at him earnestly.

He nods. "You can count on me, Hanguang Jun. I was here when he first arrived, and I have loved him as a part of our family since the day he stepped foot here as a bright, smiling youth. He has always been dear to my heart because I saw how he changed you. He has always been exactly who you needed in your life, and I will always be loyal to him for that."

I look at the elder healer and smile "Thank you for that, I know he will look fondly on you as well since you were always the one to help heal him but he has recently had to heal a lot of damage. He was kidnapped and beaten recently, I want you to look him over since you are more familiar with our physiology than modern doctors who don't know much about those with golden cores."

Healer Xin gasps "Who would do such a thing to him?"

I shake my head "We don't know yet but the police are looking into it, will you take a look at him? He has been extremely tired and I'm not so sure it is all him healing himself since I have been sharing my spiritual energy with him."

The healer nods "Yes please take me to him and I will check him over."

I walk into the bedroom with Lan Xin following me, he sees Wey Ying asleep and his entire countenance changes to the soft loving look of a father looking at his sleeping child. He walks over and gingerly takes Wey Ying's right hand in his own and puts his fingers over the pulse point on his wrist.

He gasps softly and then looks at me with tears pooling in his eyes "He is carrying the Lan heir."

I smile and nod "Yes he is, we had a scare in the hospital which is why we came home sooner than expected, someone tried to give him medication that would have caused him to miscarry our child."

He frowns "Now I see why you want someone trusted to handle your food and me his care. The stress of these unfortunate malicious deeds must have you on pins and needles. Don't worry Hanguang Jun no one will harm our Wei Laozu under my watch. Now let me check his injuries and then we can talk about what to do for him."

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