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Wey Ying's POV cont.

I walk out onto the practice field with Suibian and unsheathe the sword. I start to go through the practice moves slowly since my body doesn't know what my mind does when it comes to the sword moves. It's almost more of a kata right now rather than a sword practice. Slow and steady, getting the muscle memory back so that I can use my skills at my true level once my muscles are acclimated to the movements. I am starting off with the basics as if I were eight instead of a man of twenty-one, it's very frustrating but I know I have to build up the muscle strength before I can really let loose with Suibian.

My brothers and sister are sitting on the bleachers watching everyone training. It's not just Lan Zhan and I here practicing but all of the disciples who have training today. They are on a rotation so there aren't too many practicing at one time. Lan Zhan chose for us to come on the days with the least amount of disciples on the practice field.

'My muscles are getting stronger with my core getting stronger, I feel like I could do a full sparing session with Lan Zhan but my energy runs out quickly, the healers are still trying to figure out why. With my core being nearly white in color I should have energy for days instead of hours. It has them perplexed but I'm confident they will figure it out sooner or later.'

Wanting to show off to my siblings, I throw out a few talismans with a smirk, the first one is the energy butterflies that broke through the barrier when I was a teen the first night I entered Cloud Recesses. The second is my little man which I have fly over and kiss each one of them on the cheek then I have it sit on my sister's shoulder to watch the trainees. They giggle and laugh as they watch the little guy move from person to person.

I grin as I watch their reactions "This is something I have been doing since I was a child in my first life. That little guy has come in handy countless times and is one of the easiest things for me to do. The energy butterflies take a little more spiritual power and tend to tire me out."

The nod Yang says "So with your spiritual energy you can basically do magic like the famed cultivators?"

I smile "Da ge I am one of those cultivators, I have been for three lifetimes now, I could do the things that the "famed" cultivators can do today when I was a teenager. When I get my stamina back I could give every one of them a lesson in humility by beating the robes off of them."

Ning's eyebrows crease "What do you mean? Are you saying you are more powerful than them?"

I smile "Lan Zhan will you show them what you can do? Give them a demonstration of your skills."

He nods and the disciples all get excited and start moving to the edge of the field giving him plenty of space to maneuver. He looks at the disciples "I ask that only those of you with the proper training and spiritual power come at me, if you do not have the proper skills do not come, I do not want to hurt any of you."

They nod and he steps to the center of the field, I join my siblings with a jovial laugh "Watch this." I say still laughing.

The sparing begins with three disciples coming at Lan Zhan at the same time, he twirls and spins his sword before clashing with the first opponent. He only has to use two moves to smack him with the flat of his blade, sending him out of the attack zone. The next one steps in and their swords thrust and parry a few times before the same thing happens and he is knocked out of the attack zone. I watch both my husband with pride and my siblings as their jaws drop watching him skillfully send each opponent out of the attack zone with ease. None of them come close to Lan Zhan's skill level and he makes short work of over a dozen disciples in a short amount of time. I stand up and clap as the sparing comes to an end.

I turn and look at my family "I used to be able to fight him to a draw, we were evenly matched. The skills he has shown today I had when we were fifteen and sixteen years old. So yes when I get my body back to where it once was I will be much better than them."

Lan Zhan walks over to us and I smile at him, he grins and looks at my family "Wey Ying was known as a prodigy in his time, his skills far surpassed those of normal cultivators of the day, the cultivators of today won't be able to hold a candle to him when he is acclimated to his abilities again. There were only two cultivators back then who could even compete with him on a level playing field that was the Twin Jades of Gusu. My brother and I were the only ones who had the spiritual power to give him a run for his money back then, he and I were on even footing and my brother Xichen was slightly better than both of us."

They stand up and look between the two of us Qing grins "You two really are made for each other, you are soulmates through and through. I have never seen skills like that displayed and the fact that my didi is powerful enough to get to that level is amazing to me."

Ning and Xing both nod in agreement while Yang smiles "Let Mom and Uncle mess with you now. They will be sorry if they do and I'm here for it. We have cut all contact with them and don't intend to have any contact with them in the future. I'm glad you will be powerful enough to defend yourself from anything they try to throw at you. After seeing you so helpless and broken in that hospital bed I can't see you like that again, build up your strength, train yourself well and make sure that nothing like that happens to you again didi."

I nod and smile "I will and don't worry I also have Lan Zhan and his skills to help protect me as well."

They smile and nod "Come on let's get back I'm getting tired again and it will be dinner time soon. We will all eat in the dining hall tonight to welcome you to our home in the clouds."

I lay down for a nap, I wish they would figure out why my energy depletes so quickly. This is getting annoying and frustrating, it's slowing down my training.

Lan Zhan's POV

I watch Wey Ying lay down for a short nap before dinner, worried about how quickly his energy seems to drain out of him. After I make sure he is asleep I seek out Healer Xin, I want to talk to him about Wey Ying again.

I see Yang on my way to the healer's building and I smile, he waves at me and walks over to me "Hi Wangji, I was coming to see you, I want to know how my didi really is. He seems to have no energy but if he has such a strong core shouldn't he be overflowing with energy?"

I frown and nod "Yes he should, I am going to see his personal healer now do you want to join me?"

He nods and we walk to the healers, we step into a clinic-type setting. I see a disciple sitting at the greeting area "I want to see Healer Xin."

He stands upon seeing me and bows "Yes Hanguang Jun right this way."

He takes us back to Healer Xin who is at his desk with several books and scrolls in front of him. The disciple clears his throat causing the other man to look up from whatever he was reading and smile "Hanguang Jun welcome. Please come in and have a seat, who is this young man with you?"

I smile at the healer "This is Wey Ying's oldest brother, Wey Yang, we have come to see if you have any new information about Wey Ying's condition."

Lan Xin smiles at Yang "It's an honor to meet AXian's family." He stands and bows to Yang.

Yang not used to the formality just bobs his head at the elder. "Thank you for taking care of my didi, I am grateful to you."

The elder smiles "It is my great pleasure and honor to take care of Wei Laozu. He is the reason we are still here to this day; without him, the Lan Clan might have ceased to exist. We are forever indebted to him, so it is only right that I take his health very seriously and make sure he is at his peak."

My Eternal Twin FlameOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant