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Author's POV cont.

While everyone is enjoying breakfast there is a knock on the door, one of the disciples gets up and answers it. He walks back into the dining area with the detective. "Good morning," Detective Feng Ming says.

"Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, I thought I would come over and give you the update early."

Lan Zhan stands up and puts his hand out to shake, Feng Ming takes it smiling "Thank you for coming as you can see we have quite the entourage and would have taken up way too much space."

Feng Ming looks at all of the men in the room "Are all of these your security?"

Lan Zhan nods "Security and family but all of them have training and can keep Wey Ying safe."

Feng Ming nods "Good, we have two people of interest under surveillance right now. We believe that they are the ones responsible for the kidnapping and injuries sustained by Mr. Wey."

Wey Ying looks at him "Then why haven't you brought them in for questioning?"

Feng Ming thins his lips "We are watching to see if they are tied to anyone else before we bring them in."

Wey Ying swallows "Who? Who are they?"

Feng Ming's face is serious as he looks between Lan Zhan and Wey Ying "This might be difficult to hear Mr. Wey."

He interrupts the detective "What was hard was being taken and beaten nearly to death while pregnant. I want to know who did this to me. I want to know who nearly killed me and my children and I want to know now."

Feng Ming nods "Li Han and Yi Fei"

Wey Ying looks at Lan Zhan "She is the CEO of WXY Capital Management. She has been running the company since we started it three years ago, I checked her Lan Zhan, how could she do this to me?"

Feng Ming sighs "It seems that Mr. Han and Ms. Yi have been lovers for a little over a year. We think they with possibly others conspired to take all of your holdings and assets from you. We think there could be someone else helping them which is why we haven't arrested them on any charges yet. Mr. Wey can you think of anyone else who would want to take everything from you."

With tears in his eyes he lets out a bark of sarcastic laughter "Yeah I can think of a few but I want to see for myself who exactly has been stabbing me in the back."

Lan Zhan puts his arm around Wey Ying and holds him "Thank you, detective, we will be in touch. We can do some investigating on our own since we have access to places that you currently don't. We will call you if we find out anything."

Lan Zhan turns and nods "Sizhui please let the detective out for us."

He nods and walks the detective to the door, once the closing of the door is heard Wey Ying collapses in Lan Zhan's arms. He sobs as he realizes that those, he trusted the most with the most valuable things he has had in his life until recently, that he worked so hard to build have betrayed him completely.

Lan Zhan comforts his husband for a while until he starts to talk to him in a low voice, after a while Wey Ying's tears dry up and his anger comes to the forefront.

Anger burns in his eyes as he looks at his husband "Lan Zhan she has access to all of the funds in the capital management company, she has access to the banking for it. She basically has access to billions in USD, I need to secure my company without her knowing and I need to check on my other acting CEOs to verify that they are not a part of this. I need my laptop and I need to get close enough to WXY Capital to lock her out of everything without her knowing."

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