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Wey Ying's POV

I stretch after waking and laying here for a little while, there is so much information in my mind, images, and feelings and sorting through nearly a whole lifetime is daunting but it is organizing in my mind and slowly I am putting the images and feelings into their proper order and integrating everything into my current life. 

I hear voices and decide it's time to get up and see my family, I know I have seen them recently and yet at the same time it feels like I haven't seen them in forever. I go into the bathroom and freshen up before walking downstairs and into the living room.

I see Xichen and smile bowing "Zewu Jun, I'm glad you could come."

He smiles and stands up walking over to me he hugs me "I wasn't sure I would ever hear that greeting from you again, it sounds good."

I grin "I've missed you Xichen ge, I know that sounds weird to say but it's true nonetheless."

He smiles "I have missed you too AXian." We hug again like long-lost brothers who have just been reunited, I feel happy having him back in my life.

While we are reuniting the doorbell sounds and Lan Zhan goes and opens it ushering in AYuan, he walks in tentatively and looks at me nervously.

I smile wide at him "Mama ai ni AYuan"

He smiles as tears fill his eyes and he runs to me and throws his arms around me, I smile and close my eyes as I hold my baby boy in my arms once again. I open them and look at Lan Zhan and see a soft loving look on his face with a hint of a smile as he watches us hold each other. I have seen this look on his face before when AYuan remembered who I was when he was a teenager. I look at my husband and smile as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Mama, I've missed you so much, don't leave me again please, I don't want to be without you." He hugs me tighter begging me with his head buried on my shoulder.

I pat his back and stroke his hair "Mama won't leave you again I promise, I'll never leave you again baby."

He clings to me until I can calm him down then he loosens his grip on me and looks at me with a brilliant smile "I got these for you, I know you will love them, will you try one?"

I look down to see a box with truffles in his hand and tilt my head "What are they AYuan?"

He grins "Sichuan pepper chocolate truffles" he offers the box to me and my mouth waters.

I look up at him with a smile and take one I put it in my mouth and moan the flavors and sensations are amazing. "Thank you AYuan these are delicious, I think I just found my new favorite candy. They are spicy and sweet with just a hint of bitter, these are great."

He smiles pleased that I like his treat and I pat his back as I walk over to Lan Zhan I raise my face up and kiss him "Hello love, thank you for calling them."

He wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles my neck "You're welcome baobei, are you hungry, I had our dinner delivered from your favorite chef."

My eyes light up and my mouth waters "Yes, let's eat everyone."

We all walk into the dining room and sit down I fill my bowl with everything that looks delicious and watch my family do the same.

I smile as I watch them "So tell me what all I have missed in the last two thousand years or so." I smirk at all of them.

Xichen smiles "Well we have restructured the clan and reevaluated the rules, now they are mainly simple moral and ethics rules we want the sect to follow."

I cock an eyebrow "No more four thousand rules?"

He chuckles shaking his head "No, we found that as the times changed the rules were too much of a hindrance to integrating into the ever-changing world around us. It was too isolating so the elders over the years have removed and modified them, now they are fluid like the changing times. The rules now focus mainly on honor, integrity and honesty so instead of thousands we have a few hundred."

Wey Ying laughs "I copied those rules so many times I still remember them all, I'm glad to see times have changed and the Lan Clan has lightened up some. I can't wait to see Cloud Recesses, has it changed very much?"

Xichen smiles "Yes and no, all of the buildings are now modern but the layout of all of the buildings is the same, the Jingshi and the Hanshi are still in the same spots just more modern versions of them. We have updated the library and have a lot of it stored electronically. The items that were in the library of old are in the forbidden area and a preservation talisman has been placed around the room to keep them from degrading. That talisman is thanks to you, you were always so talented when it came to inventing talismans and new uses for them."

Wey Ying smiles at the praise and then gives them all a cheeky grin, he puts up his hand, draws a pattern in the air and pushes spiritual energy into and laughs. A soft blue line of light has attached itself to Lan Zhan's wrist and the other end is on Wey Ying's wrist.

He giggles "Lan Zhan it worked; I can still do talisman magic."

Lan Zhan looks down at his wrist and smiles softly "I still remember the day you first used this on me and how angry I was when you used it on Xue Yang, I didn't want you using it on anyone else."

Wey Ying chuckles "Always drinking vinegar Lan Zhan, I had to keep him from running away and it was the only thing I could think of at the time to do to keep him in that courtyard."

Lan Zhan nods "I know but I still hated it."

AYuan grins looking between his parents "I'm so happy right now, I have missed this so much. I was losing hope that I would have my parents back with me, mama are you going to cultivate and become immortal like us?"

Lan Zhan looks at his son "AYuan don't pressure him, let him adjust."

Wey Ying interrupts them "Yes I am, I won't leave any of you again and if we can, let's get Zhuo and Cheng cultivated so that you both have your soulmates back with you. We all know that the best way to speed up their formation of a golden core is to do dual cultivation, you two need to get on with it and woo your men before it's too late."

Both AYuan and Xichen blush and grin at the same time causing Wey Ying to crack up laughing "Sorry, sorry, my old personality is kind of taking over here and there. I haven't processed everything yet so for now I might be a little of my old self and a little of my new self until I can gain enough control to blend the two."

Xichen still grinning "It's fine, we are all very used to how you can be, we don't mind it, in fact, we have missed it. We have all waited a very long time to have you back with us AXian and couldn't be happier to have you back with us. Just be you and we will still love and cherish you no matter how your personalities blend together."

AYuan is nodding and smiling and Lan Zhan leans over and gives him a quick soft kiss.

They spend the rest of the night talking about old times, what comes next and just being with each other. They bid the two good night and head to their bedroom, while getting ready for bed Wey Ying wraps his arms around his husband's neck.

"Lan Zhan?"


"Our wedding is going to be soon, with things the way they are now with Aunty and Uncle what should we do for our wedding?" he kisses him.

Lan Zhan looks at him and kisses his nose "I have already spoken with gege, we will have our wedding and the Lan Clan will host the wedding don't worry. They will be invited but will not have any say in our wedding, I don't trust them enough to leave the details to them to prepare it properly."

Wey Ying smiles "Good I was worried about that; I feel Aunty would do something to ruin it."

Lan Zhan hugs him "Don't worry love our wedding will be perfect and then we will leave for Cloud Recesses and spend your winter break there. Everything will be fine don't worry baobei, I love you."

Wey Ying smiles at him "I love you too, I can't wait to marry you again, now let's dual cultivate." He gives him a sassy grin.

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