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Author's POV

When Hanguang Jun announced they were expecting, Lan Ching Shi who had been slowly following the clan stood there in shock as she watched the newly married couple touch and hold each other. She turns her head to see if anyone witnessed her reaction.

When she saw that no one noticed the look on her face she sighed in relief but inside she was seething. This is not how everything was supposed to turn out, she has been there for him for nine hundred years, nine hundred not that little bitch standing beside him. She feels raw as she realizes that Lan er gege has slipped through her fingers or has he?

She smiles as a plan forms in her mind, as it becomes more defined, she becomes downright giddy and joins the rest of the clan with a huge smile on her face. She joins in the festivities knowing that she will be the winner in the end she just has to bide her time.

After all of the lanterns are released everyone walks back down the summit to join the reception for the happy couple. Lan Zhan worrying for Wey Ying picks him up and carries him back down to the banquet so he can make sure his baobei gets fed and doesn't tire too quickly.

The whole clan is so overjoyed at the news of the pending birth of the Lan bloodline that the banquet is very lively with everyone talking about the babies and how excited they are. Everyone stops by the couple's table to congratulate them on both the marriage and the babies. They greet each clan member and thank them for their well wishes, several clan members offer food and other items to Wey Ying trying to take care of him. 

Lan Zhan smiles knowing that his husband will be well cared for when he is here in Cloud Recesses. They eat and drink with Lan Ping personally making each item that Wey Ying eats, when he took the day off that Zewu Jun told him to take, he studied herbs and which ones are safe and which ones can be poisonous.

He wasn't taking any chances, now that he knows Wei Laozu is pregnant, he plans to study even more and make the rest of the kitchen staff study so everyone knows what herbs and other items they use are safe for the babies.

He will not have anything happen to the Lan heirs because someone wasn't educated on the safety of herbs for pregnancy. They have this knowledge it's not like there have never been pregnant clan members, but with the recent scare, he refuses to have any other mishaps from any of the kitchen staff everyone will have a refresher on herb safety and pregnancy.

Wey Ying sits and is nearly dancing in his seat as he eats, the food is so good and he is so hungry, he is very happy to be getting so much food given to him. Lan Zhan watches him being adorable and can't help but lean over and give him a sweet kiss on the side of his neck which makes him giggle.

"Go slow baobei, don't eat too fast, there is plenty and you can eat for as long as you want but don't eat so much it makes your stomach hurt." Lan Zhan says as he wipes the side of Wey Ying's mouth.

Wey Ying nods and chews his food a little slower making sure he doesn't eat so fast. He is still practically dancing in his seat with each bite he takes causing Lan Zhan to chuckle. Within an hour of eating Wey Ying can barely keep his eyes open, he is picked up by his husband and thanks everyone before taking him home. 

He walks toward Jingshi with his precious burden, Wey Ying snuggles in his husband's arms, resting his head on his chest and inhaling his soothing scent. Lan Zhan walks in the door and takes him to the bedroom, he lays him down and takes off his wedding robes. He goes into the bathroom and grabs a pan of warm water and a cloth and comes back to sit down. He puts the pan and cloth down on the bedside table and pulls the duvet off of his sweet angel. He takes the cloth, dips it in the warm water and wipes him down starting with his face and ending with his feet. Now that he is clean he grabs his sleeping clothes and puts them on him as he tries not to fall asleep.

My Eternal Twin FlameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz