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I clear my throat and look at this incredibly beautiful man next to me "So um what now? I mean I know that we got uh engaged? Married? Are we married or just engaged? I'm really confused."

He smiles and glances at me then puts his honey amber eyes back on the road "Well if you want to get technical based on the contract we are married. We don't really know each other so how about we skip the technical details and just spend time getting to know each other?"

I smile feeling less apprehensive "That sounds great, I really want to get to know all about you, I can't believe that I will be able to just spend time with you and get to know you as any normal couple would. I'm so happy that I get to experience something that others take for granted as a natural part of life."

He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles "I want you to be happy, I also want you to be completely comfortable with me. I'm an affectionate person when it comes to specific people so if I become too affectionate towards you please let me know. I don't want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable when I touch you or kiss you alright?"

I nod, take a deep breath and try to calm the butterflies in my stomach. 'He wants to kiss me? Holy shit! I really want him to, should I tell him or...no I'll just let things progress naturally and tell him if I feel uncomfortable with anything he does?

We arrive back at his condo and when we walk in the door his phone rings, he excuses himself and I nod and walk into the living room. I walk over to the large glass panels and sigh, the view from here is incredible. The sun will be setting soon and people are going to be getting home to their families, getting ready to go to dinner or doing whatever they do towards the end of the work day.

Lan Zhan walks back into the room, I can see his reflection in the glass, and I turn and look at him. "You're very beautiful do you know that?" I say without thinking then blush realizing what I just said.

He chuckles, his deep baritone laugh sends shivers across my body "I'm very glad you find me attractive, you and I becoming a couple will be easier if we are attracted to each other. You are also extremely beautiful and I am very drawn to you."

He walks closer to me puts his finger under my chin and raises my face up to his, he looks deep into my eyes and whispers "May I?"

His breath fans across my face, his lips only inches from mine, I nod nervously and he slowly closes the gap. He slants his soft full lips over mine, gently rubbing his lips back and forth enticingly. He pulls me closer and his tongue darts out sliding over my bottom lip causing a moan to escape from me. He nibbles my lips and wraps his arms around me, I gasp at the feel of his hard body pressing against mine. 

He pushes his way past my parted lips and deepens the kiss, he swirls his tongue around mine. I moan and clutch the back of his shirt in my fists, my head is spinning with how amazing this feels. I stand on my tippy toes and tighten my hold, trying for more. More what I don't know but I want more, our kiss becomes deeper, hotter and more overwhelming. He pulls away and my chest is heaving, I'm breathing hard and my eyes feel heavy.

I look at him still panting and breathlessly whisper "Wow"

His eyes are shining with an unknown light and he is panting heavily after our kiss. He smiles, cups my face in his hands and places a soft kiss on my lips "Wow indeed."

I feel my cheeks heat and I feel shy but I also feel something I've never felt before. I lick my lips and then look down "I, that was amazing, but I feel" I trail off my cheeks getting redder.

He pulls my face up to look at him "What do you feel? You don't have to be embarrassed, I'm yours and you are mine so whatever it is you can tell me."

I pick at his shirt nervously "I feel like I want more." I whisper.

"More what love?" He asks gently.

I sigh still picking at his shirt "I'm not sure, when we were kissing, I really wanted to ask for more, but I don't know what I'm asking for."

He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head "How about this, when you want a kiss you can come kiss me and whatever you want to do with me while we are kissing you can do. This way we can become more intimate at your pace alright?"

I nod "So if I wanted another kiss now I can just kiss you?"

He smiles at me "Yes baobei, you can do anything you feel comfortable doing to or with me anytime you want."

He leans down and takes my lips in another perfect kiss, I open for him immediately this time and he deepens the kiss but this kiss is slow and sensual, it makes my body tingle. I feel my erection growing and I move closer to him, so close that there is no space between us. I can now feel that he is just as hard yet he keeps our kiss slow and deep, not changing it, not speeding up just a slow seductive kiss that has my toes curling and my fingers digging into his back.

We end the kiss and I gulp "God, you are so good at that, my body feels sensitive and hot."

"I know baobei I feel the same way, why don't we get ready and go have dinner to celebrate our joining? Since none of your clothes are here yet why don't we go shopping first and then go eat?"

I smile and nod "I would love that, where do you want to go eat?"

He smiles "I've acquired a taste for spicy food over the years and I know of a great place that is very nice and the chef will spice your food to your liking, how does that sound?"

I give him a brilliant smile "Incredible, it's difficult to get a chef to add as much spice as you want, they always stop before it can be made right."

Lan Zhan grins "Do you still have on your liquid gloves?"

"Yes, it's rare that I don't have it on." I shrug.

He smiles "Good come with me I want to show you something before we leave."

We walk down a hallway and enter a room at the end, I step in and my jaw drops. There must be millions if not billions of dollars' worth of antiques and artifacts in here.

I look over at him my eyes wide with shock "Is all of this stuff real? If so it has to be worth, I don't even know how much."

He smiles "Yes it's all real, I'm a bit of a collector, walk around and have a look. I thought you might like it here so I wanted to show you. You can come in here any time you want so please feel free to look all you want. This is now your home to baobei, I want you to feel welcome, wanted and comfortable."

I walk around looking at all of these amazing items, there are weapons, vases, pottery, armor, I mean you name it and it is probably here. I walk over to the wall of weapons, there are so many of all different kinds. There are some of the most beautiful swords I've ever seen. One seems to look sort of out of place with the shiny glimmering swords and sheaths that surround it. It almost looks like it's made of wood or something. It has beautiful metal embellishments on it but it is more subdued not as flashy and shiny as the others on the rack.

I look over at Lan Zhan and he smiles and nods, I run my fingers over the different weapons but this one just calls to me for some reason. I pick it up carefully and hold it, it feels like it's humming but that can't be right. I pull on the hilt and the sword slides out swiftly and easily, the beautiful white reflective blade with its red center line feels perfect in my hand. 

I smile as I look at my eyes in the reflective surface of the blade, I pull it all the way out and run my fingers across the surface of the blade lovingly almost like a caress. I let out a satisfied sigh and put the sword back into its sheath, 'Huh Suibian, why does it have "whatever" engraved in it, weird' I look over at Lan Zhan whose eyes look a bit shiny like they have a trace of tears and I smile again. 

"This sword is different from the others, I like it, it feels right in my hand."

I put it back on the weapons rack and grin, "Come on Lan Zhan I'm hungry."

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