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General POV

"Is it him?"

"I'm not sure, certain information must be verified."

"It looks like him"

"Yes, but we have seen this before and it's not been him."

"So what do we do now?"

"We observe, we watch, we analyze, we wait."

"I really hope it's him this time, I've missed him so much."

"Me too."

Wey Xian's POV

I walk into my uncle's office "What can I do for you Uncle?" I ask pleasantly.

My Uncle Wey Xu Wen grins as I walk towards his desk, the big bad CEO of Wey Corporation. "AXian I'm so glad you came in today, how have you been my boy?"

I bow slightly "Good Uncle, thank you for asking. Of course, I would come, Uncle, it's my job, right? You aren't changing my job description, are you?"

He chuckles "of course not, of course not. You do the exact job we need you to do. How is college going? How are your classes?"

I smile "I'm glad you are happy with my performance, doing this job allows me the freedom to attend my classes. My classes are great Uncle, I'm learning so much, I know that once I'm done I will be able to really take on more responsibilities within the company."

He claps me on the back "That's great, I'm so glad to hear you're doing well. Alright let's get into this meeting, shall we? You've already washed your hands, yes?"

I take a deep breath and let it out nodding "Yes Uncle, I'm ready."

"Great let's go, remember we are looking for an acquisition opportunity on this one, they have some great potential projects that could be worth millions. Pay attention and don't give the game away boy."

I nod smiling, he grins and squeezes my shoulder before walking ahead of me. My smile diminishes a bit before I follow him to the conference room, time to earn my pay.

We walk into the glass front room, it has a large mahogany table with plush black leather chairs, enough to seat twenty people. My Uncle takes the seat at the head of the table, I sit to his left and nearly a dozen executives including my oldest brother Wey Yang sits to my uncle's right.

I smile at my oldest brother, he smiles back and nods reassuringly to me. Everyone has a packet of papers for a proposal in front of them including me. I don't need it; it doesn't matter what's in the packet because it's just for show. A few moments later a group of men walk into the room, my uncle stands up and greets them.

"Mr. Ling, so good of you to take this meeting." He shakes his hand then introduces Yang then me.

"These are my nephews, Wey Yang, head of our Research and Production division." My brother shakes his hand bowing respectfully.

My Uncle still smiling says "This is Wey Xian, he is a college student of business and I bring him in sometimes for learning opportunities. I hope you don't mind but I felt like this negotiation would be a great learning experience for him since you are such a savvy businessman yourself." He chuckles lightly.

Mr. Ling smiles "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Xian I'm happy to have you here, your Uncle is doing you a favor by allowing you to gain experience in business negotiations at such a young age." He smiles shaking my hand, I bow respectfully taking his hand.

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