Chapter 107: Wrestling with the Bear

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(Play Opening)

(Suji's POV)

I was currently flying through the air in my second form as I rushed to Jugaan Prison in hopes to find Skull and get this over with to save Izumi. I soon approach the Prison site as I spot a bunch of police cruisers and officers standing at the base of the entrance, probably to make sure no one escaped through the front door.

 I soon approach the Prison site as I spot a bunch of police cruisers and officers standing at the base of the entrance, probably to make sure no one escaped through the front door

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I spotted a side area on the other end of the prison as I deactivated my second form and dived right into a courtyard of Jugaan Prison. I land in the base of it after a quick shift in motion, looking at a large hole in the side of the prison.

Suji: Looks like Skull entered the prison here. I need to find him, and stop this game once and for all.

I walked over before sliding through the hole. As I make my way down the hall, I notice the whole hallway was trashed as the walls were ripped up and random pieces were tossed all over the place. I hear voices in the distance as I walked over and crawled through a small hole in the barricade.

Guard: He say he'd leave my family alone if I did what he asked!

Skull henchman: I hope he keeps his word. Thing is, you ain't gonna live to find out. Sorry, pal. Skull can't leave no loose ends lyin' around.

Hearing this, I crouch and watch as the henchmen, who is armed with a bat, and a guard walk into my view without seeing me.

Guard: No! Please! N...!

The henchmen brutally hits the guard in the skull with a bat, making him fall down. The henchmen turns his back towards me and starts to walk towards the guard. I step out of the hole and silently approach from behind the henchmen, with the guard noticing me.

Guard: What is that? Behind you?

Skull henchman: Oh, come on, 'spect me to fall for something like that? I mean, try something original, you...

The henchmen notices my shadow on the wall. alarmingly turns around, sees me, and attempts to smack me with the bat.

Skull henchmen: Who the hell?!...

I counter the swing, breaking the bat and delivering an elbow to the henchmen's face. Grabbing the henchmen by his throat, I flip him over to the ground, and violently snaps his arm, knocking him out.

Guard: No! Stay back!

The guard tried to take cover as I walked over to hold my hand out to help him up. Hesitantly he takes my hand as I lift him up.

Suji: It's okay, your safe now. I'm Muscle-Bound.

Guard: Wait, you? You're the guy from his message? B-but you're just a kid....

Suji: Who tore this place apart?

I look over my shoulder and hear a cringingly loud roar echo throughout the facility.

Bnha: The Muscle Bound Hero (bnha OC) *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now