Chapter 31: Climax

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(Play Opening)

(Third POV)
The city of Hosu is still engulfed in flames as the scene pans out to show the chaos from a far away sight. A figure is shown to be standing on the roof of one of the buildings, the figures wearing a long black cloak with a hood, with a red mask covering his face. The figure spoke in a raspy voice as his arms spread out widely.

???: Hehehe... Glorious fire. How beautiful, how bright, how deadly! Hahahaha! How lucky are these people, to be caught in my flames?

The figure laughs manically as we see two other people standing on the roof as well. One is wearing a black leather jacket with a casual white shirt and pants, he had long unruly purple and white hair with sharp and pointy teeth. The second figure stares at the fire guy with concern and disgust.

???: That guy gives me the creeps... why did we need to bring him again?

He addresses the third figure which the shadows uncover him to reveal Skull.

He addresses the third figure which the shadows uncover him to reveal Skull

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Skull: Aw C'mon Parasitic. He just wanted some fresh air. Besides I needed a distraction so he provided a distraction, the fire gets too much, the heroes can't put out and we get to just sit pretty and enjoy the chaos for until it's over.

Parasitic: Yeah, but we really don't need to torch the entire city, this is just pointless.

The first figure hears this as he turns around and starts stomping towards Parasitic as he angrily spoke.

???: You don't have any right calling my flames pointless! I don't need some lowly insect to tell me how to do my job, especially when it involves setting something ablaze!

Parasitic raises his jacket sleeve as small things seem to be poking through his skin.

Parasitic: And I don't like smart-ass bastards getting up in my face! Especially someone who smells like a literal dumpster fire!

Skull: Enough!

The two quickly withdraw from each other as Skull stands up and stares at the two.

Skull: We're here on business, and I know you two know what my business is, right?

Parasitic/???: Yeah/Yes, sir.

Skull: Wonderful, but let's just recap of how tonight's event are supposed to go. Parasitic, you're here to deal with any heroes who actually might find us, they can't really find us if they don't have any energy to fight, right?

Parasitic: Yeah, understood.

Skull: And Overburn, you're only here to create a distraction, I know how you get about fire so try to compose yourself. Am I clear?

Overburn: Transparently, sir...

Skull: Good, now let's get this over with so we can get back to base. Overburn, if you please?

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