Chapter 46: Ultimatum & Realization

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(Play Opening)

(Third POV)
The sun started to rise as the battle between All Might and All For One came to an end. Everyone was relieved by the victory of the number one hero and his final act, but they were also commending the boy named Suji Kyoryoku who stayed and fought to buy All Might some extra time.

More pro heroes were on the scene, helping with rescuing anyone who was still in the rubble. Reporters were also in the area covering the fight of the century.

Reporter: The heroes began rescue operations during All Might's fight, but the scope of the damage is staggering. Authorities are estimating a large number of casualties. The villain who caused this is...Oh! There, he's being led into the Maiden right know. Meanwhile, All Might and the other heroes remain on high alert!

All For One was seen covered with quirk cancelation restraints and being led by two officers into a big steel container. All Might sees the camera and then lifts his arm up pointing to the camera, catching everyone's attention once again.

 All Might sees the camera and then lifts his arm up pointing to the camera, catching everyone's attention once again

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All Might: Now.... Now. It's your turn.

The crowd starts cheering and smiling as they celebrate his victory, Bakugo sees Izuku crying and Izumi was tearing up while comforting her brother.

Back to All Might, a few paramedics were running towards him check to see how bad his injuries were.

Paramedic: All Might! Are you okay, how bad is your arm?

All Might: (coughs) It's not that bad, but you should hurry and tend to Young Kyoryo.... K-kyoroku! Where is he?! Has anyone seen Suji Kyoryoku?!

The heroes soon realized that the boy who had taken part in All Might's fight was nowhere to be seen.

(Suji's POV)
Everything was blurry, I couldn't move anything. It almost felt like what happened after I faced Sound-Wave for the first time. Except for the fact that my ears weren't ringing and a voice was calling out to me.

???: Wake up little hero, wake up. Don't worry, you're not dead....not yet anyway. Just temporarily paralyzed.

My vision focused as I can now see that I was on a roof of a building and the man named Skull standing infront of me, with the Skull mask still on covering his face.

Skull: You're an amazing person, kid. You and I aren't that different.

I tried to speak hoping to get some words out but surprisingly I could still talk.

Suji: I-i'm nothing like you... You're a criminal.

Skull: I mean in fairness, to each his own. I've chose my path, you chose the path of a hero, and the people love you. But there's one thing the people love more than a hero's growth is to see them fall, fail, die trying. Despite the amazing things you do, the moment you make a mistake they'll turn their back on you in a moments notice. In the end, what's really the point of it?

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