Chapter 71: Dance with the Devil Pt.1

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(Watch Opening)

(Suji's POV)

More darkness filled my sight as I fell backwards, hitting the ground. I quickly recovered as I stood back up off the ground, looking around as I found myself standing in a dark corridor similar to the ones we were running through before all the crazy started.

Suji: 'Skull... What are you planning? I can't keep doing this back and forth stuff with this guy, I need to find the others and save Eri!'

I turned around and spot a light at the end of the corridor as I quickly start running towards it as fast as possible.

I run down the corridor as the light gets closer towards me as I finally reach the end of the hallway as I enter a large room. The room was well designed as the middle of the floor had a wide red carpet starting right at my feet, along the way there were sets of long candle sticks on each side lighting up the room as it leads up to a high platform with a chair on top that resembled a throne. Walking down the center of the room, I suddenly hear clapping as someone walks around from behind the throne.

???: Wonderful. Truly wonderful. I've been wondering when you would show up.

I looked up as the man walked into the light letting me see him, the man had shoulder length brown hair with a matching goatee, he wore a red and black suit with a red scarf wrapped around his shoulders.

I looked up as the man walked into the light letting me see him, the man had shoulder length brown hair with a matching goatee, he wore a red and black suit with a red scarf wrapped around his shoulders

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???: Suji Kyoryoku... Welcome.

I continued to look at him as I fixed his coat before going to stand infront of the throne. The more I watch him, the more he looked familiar to me. Suddenly I realized who he was as I helped him at the mall the day Shigaraki grabbed Izuku. I glared at him as the pieces were now coming together.

Suji: It was you, you're Lord Diablo.

Lord Diablo: Ah, so you remember me from the mall I suppose? Not surprising. You always seemed to be an incredibly smart boy.

Diablo sits down in the throne as he keeps his eyes on me, I felt an intense pressure from him as I stand tall glaring back.

Lord Diablo: I hope my subordinates haven't been giving you any trouble, they can get antsy at times. But now that you're here, we can finally get to the matter at hand.

Suji: Before you start all that, I need to know why. Why have I been the target of your group for these last few months? What makes me so important?

He looks down at me as he sighed before speaking.

Lord Diablo: Well, I suppose you deserve to know now that we're face to face. I created this organization to gain and control the power of the underground network of criminal activity. Thugs, small groups, other criminal organizations, they all work for me one where or another. I've taken pride in the fact of how I managed to keep my main group under radar all this time... That is until you came along.

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