Chapter 73

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Rodger walked out of Carson's room rattled by his revelations. He was in dismay that people he once considered friends would allow their own sons to suffer such abuse and humiliation. That they would not only approve of it but take amusement in it as well.

What was wrong with these people he asked himself. How could they just allow some sick pervert to act his disgusting fantasies on their own child like that. Sit idly by as he groomed their children and then took advantage of them.

They are just as twisted as Gaines Rodger thought. Sick, twisted, evil monsters who need to be stopped.

And that is what J am going to do. I am going to stop them and make sure they all pay for what they put Carson and his brothers through.

And get Grant away from them. Who knows what they are torture they are inflicting upon that boy poor right now. What psychological damage they doing to him.

He felt a twinge of guilt at not doing anything to help him earlier. I could not believe I was so apathetic to this boy's plight.

Well not anymore.

He sent a quick text to Christopher apologizing  for texting him so late.  It was almost ten o'clock and he was sure that he and his wife were already in bed. But he could not wait until tomorrow to talk to him about this.

He told him about what Gaines did Carson, how his parents not only allowed it but encouraged it. That he wanted to file a police report and asked if his sister in law could stop by1 the dealership.

If not I'll just let him borrow my car tomorrow so he can go to the police station himself.

A few minutes later Chris replied. I'm sorry to hear that happened to Carson but I am not surprised. I sent a text to Leah and I will let you know what she says.

Thank you. Rodger texted back.

You're welcome Chris replied.

Rodger told him that he would see him tomorrow.  He then placed his phone back in his pocket and leaned against the wall letting out a hard breath.

What a day he thought. He then looked at Parker's door. And its not over yet.

Parker was sitting at his desk dressed in his pajamas when Rodger walked into the room.  He looked up from the graphic novel he was  reading and asked "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine." Rodger said.

"I heard you cussing." Parker said.

"Sorty about that." Rodger said a bit embarrassed.  Profanity was something that he avoided using but he could not help himself in this situation.

"What's going on?" Parker inquired.

"You were suspicions about Mister Gaines were right." Rodger replied though he had to admit that he shared those suspicions.

"He molested him." Anger exploded in Parker's eyes. He looked like he wanted to hunt Gaines down and wring the life from his body with his bare hands.

"Not exactly." Parker gave his father a questioning look. "I'll let Carson tell you."

"Okay."  An awkward silence fell between them.  They stared uncomfortably at each other both trying to figure out what to say next. "I guess I should go stand in the corner."  He owed his father thirty minutes in the corner for throwing his cell phone.

"No I don't think that will be necessary." Rodger said.


"Really." He answered. "You've been through a lot today."

Yes I have he thought.

"Plus I think you learned your lesson."

"I have." Parker said. "I promise."

"What are you reading?"

"Elf Quest." He held up the graphic novel. He had read seventy out of the one hundred eighty eight pages so far. "I can't put it down."

Rodger smiled. "I was the sameway when I first read it."

"I was wondering if I could stay up past my bedtime to finish it."

"Sure." Rodger said. "Just don't stay up too late."

"I won't." Parker said with a grateful look in his eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Wow he is really being easy going with me Parker thought. What's next he will be telling me I can talk to Christine.

Christine he thought as he was hit by a rush of emotion.

"What's wrong?"

"Christine." Parker said with chagrin in his voice.  "With everything that happened today I completely forgot about Christine." Guilt began to eat at him as he chided himself for forgetting about her. "Did you ever hear from her mom."

"Yes, I did." Rodger shuffled his feet.

"Why do I have a feeling that I am not going to like what you are about to say."

"Because you are a very insightful young man."

"What's going on?" Parker asked as he began to feel sick to the stomach. "We don't have to break up do we?"

"No you don't have to break up." Rodger said. "But her mom has extended the no talking to each other punishment."

"For how long?" Parker asked.

"For an additional eight weeks."

"Eight weeks." Parker shouted.


Parker's body began to tremble, his face turned red, and he began to tear up. "No." He said with emotion in his voice. "I'm not going to do it."


"I'm not going to do it." Parker shouted as he shot to his feet. "You can ground me, whip me, make me stand in the corner for ten hours I don't care. I'm not going to obey her stupid punishment."

Rodger let out a breath and then got up. Parker's body tensed as he walked towards him.

"Come here Parker."

"Dad please don't..."

"Come here." Rodger grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him. Parker was sure that he was going over his father's lap. Instead he embraced him tightly. "I know your upset and I don't blame you. Its completely unfair to both you and Christine and I'm sorry I really am." He then looked at his son. "But you are going to obey it." He then put his hands on his shoulders. "You are going to obey this terrible punishment because even though you don't care what happens to you, you do care about what happens to Christine and you don't want her to get into anymore trouble."

"I don't know." Parker said as water leaked from his eyes. "But I can't go two months without talking to my girlfriend." He shook his head. "I've barely made it the last few days not being able talk  to her. I'll die if I have to go two months."

"Please don't talk like that." He cupped his son's face.

"I'm sorry but it's the truth dad." Parker said. "How would you feel if someone said you couldn't talk to Miranda for two months or to me."

"I would feel like my world was over."

"That's how I feel." Parker said.

"I'll try to talk to her mom." Rodger said. "I'll try to get the punishment reduced back to the original week." He then touched the back of his head. "But I need you to be strong for me okay."


"I know this seems like the worst thing to ever happen to you but you are going to get through this I promise." Rodger hugged him again. "I will help you get through this." He kissed the top of his head.

Parker hugged his father hoping that he could talk some sense into her mom unsure if he would be able to survive not being able to talk to her for two months

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