a new dawn - Floyd's pov

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for being here, I'm just... I'm so scared Branch." I felt my brother's arms around me in a tight grip as I used his warm hug as a means to temporarily distract myself from my curdling innards.

"Totally get that, How long has he been in there?" he handed me my cup as he took a seat next to me just as stressed as I was.

"They put him under a few minutes ago, they've been updating me." I placed my cup on the little table that laid between us, I was too wired from my stress and panic to get myself more hopped up on caffeine.

"Okay then he should be fine in about an hour, do you think you can talk to me for that long without passing out?" He chuckled probably because I looked like a ghost with how pale I was and nervously vibrating.

"Y-yeah  I think so? I'm sorry I'm such a wreck, I didn't think he'd go into labor tonight, I thought I'd have more time to prepare." I ran my fingers through my hair as the motion slightly soothed me. I closed my eyes and imagined that it was Veneer's nimble digits instead of my own and that was able to reduce my panic even more than before.

"Hey hey it's seriously okay Floyd, you have every right to panic." I felt warm hands on my shoulders as my brother tried to validate my complete and utter terror at the whirlwind of unpleasant scenarios that plagued me from behind my eyelids.

"Where's everyone else?" I noticed how it was just Branch that came to the rescue and no one else, not even Poppy. Especially since she wanted a front row seat for this.

"Out grabbing Balloons and presents, Bruce responded that he'll come next week and bring his kids to meet them, because after all-"

"They're a Veneer household- hehe" we both said in perfect sync as we let the quietness of the hallway bathe us in it's uncanniness, before Branch kept up the momentum, afraid of letting me slip back into my previous skittishness.

"You excited to be a dad?" I chuckled at his question quickly answering back with,

"What type of dumb question is that? Of course I am, but-" I let myself fade back into the possibility of Veneer not making it only for Branch to snap me out of it with,

"Veneer's going to be fine Floyd Dr. Moonbloom's the best doctor-" Branch rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as if what I was about to suggest was the dumbest thing on planet earth but I snarked back with,

"Shes practically the only doctor."

"Floyd seriously, Veneer's going to be fine" suddenly Dr Moonbloom exited the room they kept Veneer in to walk over to the sink from across the hall and remove the crimson sparkling gloves which still heavily dripped with the warm substance. I felt my chest become tighter as she didn't notice the two of us as she lamented,

"One egg down, two more to go, geez that boy's a bleeder, i'm shocked im not more covered." She slipped on new gloves as all the color drained out of my face as now I officially felt sick to my stomach. I tasted my stomach acid as she turned and her blue surgical gown was absolutely bathed in blood as if she crawled out from a horror movie set.

she moved back into the room but not before grabbing more towels to help her soak up the amount of blood Veneer lost.

"Floyd breathe!" I barely heard branch as my breathing became much more ragged and it felt like a boa constrictor was squeezing my innards, I kept wheezing with tears falling as my poor baby brother kept trying to soothe me.

My vision blurred with black as I fainted in my brothers arms.


I came to as I heard the doctors voice talking to Branch while he had his arms full with me. How long was I out? I didn't even realize I passed out so quickly but I looked at Dr. Moonbloom who had a pristine uniform that didn't reek or was stained again with my beloved's blood while she finally spoke again,

"He's awake hun, and oof is he a grouchy one." I practically flew past the doctor ignoring Branch's cry of telling me to wait since I just got over my fainting spell and was greeted to the sight of my darling, his hand on the railing of the bassinet that held our three eggs on it, the three beautiful eggs we made together.

"Veneer!" I sobbed out as I engulfed him in a hug as he giggled at my pathetic display. I moved back to see his tired sleepy face had a soft smile on it as he ran his knuckles across my cheek as a way to soothe me, catching all the stray tears I've shed from seeing him alive and healthy.

"Oh gumdrop, you look like a mess." His voice was still groggy and laced with sleep as he probably just came out of his surgical drugged coma I held his hands as he gave me an eskimo kiss. His soft wispy giggles making me smile at him.

"Yeah.." I pressed kisses to his forehead as he warmly welcomed them with wide smile. With him weakly wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me further in to him and I snuggled deeper into his throat happily.

"Look at them." He let out a dreamy tired sigh as he guided my gaze with his to the three eggs that laid on the oversized bassinet which had a heat lamp over them and my heart not only fluttered with joy at my husband being healthy but it swelled with pride at the fact that our babies were here.

All three held the same pattern of bright magenta with glitter speckled all over with green polka dots and stripes. I placed my hand on the smooth exterior of the middle egg as Veneer's soft breathy laugh rung out through the silent room as I stood and admired

These were my children, children I brought into this world with the love of my life.

"They're hatching already?!" My Darling's squeak brought me out of my stupor as I suddenly noticed how there was a giant crack in all three eggs.

It seems like not only my genes were playing a part here especially since normal troll eggs take 4-5 days to hatch, not next to instantly like our eggs are doing now.

Suddenly as I approached the bassinet I was greeted to three sets of eyes staring at me,

One set blue, one purple and one magenta.

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