"Charlie." She tutted. "I wasn't going to fall. I just staggered my step, and you both fell for it!"

"That's because you are the clumsiest person in the world." Phoenix grunted.

She scoffed, crossing her arms. "I knew he would grab the baby and it would calm him down."

"Okay, so instead of crushing your baby, you thought giving her to a man with fur sprouting ut of his skin was a good idea?"

"Charlie!" She laughed. "Please, I am not that stupid."

I scowled at her, but admittedly her stupid plan worked. As if hearing my thoughts, she stuck her tongue out at me. Uncrossing her arms, she moved back to the kitchen.

"Are you staying for lunch or will you be going home?" She grinned, winking at me.

"If you are implying going home to my mate, then yes, I will go home." I rolled my eyes. "But not until later. She's with Molly today."

Nova nodded, humming as she sipped from a straw. "Sunday. It's their manicure day."

"Not fancy a manicure, Luna?" I teased, walking further into the room.

I can't believe her plan actually worked. It was like my wolf had vanished the moment I held onto the child. Perhaps he recognised her as a comfort; the innocence of her entire being able to calm him down enough.

Nova showed my her hands. "Do I look like a manicure girl?"

I hummed, taking her fingers in my grip. Pretending to scan them, I pursed my lips.

"No, I'd say you're a nail biter."

She scoffed, yanking her hand out of my grip. I chuckled, leaning away from the kitchen island to turn to Phoenix. He had Freddy in one arm, the other tapping something on his phone. It was comical to see; Phoenix's hands were way too big for a phone.

As if hearing my thoughts, his eyes flickered up to me and narrowed. I grinned, looking back to Nova. She had turned, stirring something on the hob.

"What you cooking?" I wondered.

"This?" She grinned. "Oh, you'll love it."

"Yeah?" I wondered, peering into the pot.


It was water.

"Hilarious." I tutted.

"There's salt in there too." She teased.

"Seriously, if you want me to stay for lunch, what are you making?"

She rolled her eyes at me again.

"If you keep rolling them, they'll get stuck." I pointed out.

"Geez, okay, grandad." Nova huffed. "You sound like my father."

"Speaking of, they're coming over tomorrow." Phoenix mentioned.

"Monday already?" Nova grunted, glancing around the house. "Mum will end up tidying."

I too looked around, confusion marring my brows. "What is there to tidy?"

Nova's soft chuckle made me feel silly, as though I should know and I scowled at her.

"Why is that funny?"

"You do not know how my mother's mind works." She pointed the wooden spoon at me.

"Do tell me then, dear Luna."

"Marks on the wall, number one. It was there last time, and I didn't let her clean it. Safe to say, it is still there." She clicked her tongue, the spoon moving to a grey mark by the front door. "Number two will be the washing in the utility, and three will be the unloaded dishwasher. Then she will dust the living room, find crumbs in the rug and beneath the sofa cushions."

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