{Prayers part 1}

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It's days like these at school when I feel a bit less miserable, a dress down day. Meaning we don't have to wear uniform and can wear our own clothes thankfully. It's getting colder than usual since it's September and falls coming so I can't really wear summer clothes anymore. But it's still warm out today so that doesn't mean I have to  cover up too much.

Thankfully, I feel like I have the best fashion sense so I know what will look good during the fall season.

But, I'm still miserable since I can't see JJ, Kiara and pope during the day but I guess it lifts my spirits a little.

Hopping out of my jeep, I throw my bag onto my shoulder and slowly walk into school, scared of the looks and whispers I'll get today.

JJ gave me a pep talk last night about trying to not let them get to me and I shouldn't focus on what they say. But it's easier said than done.

Almost right away a couple girls stood by lockers looked at me and then turned to each other and started whispering. I held onto the straps of my bag tighter and kept walking towards my locker. Once I grabbed the stuff I needed I made my way to my classes, making sure to do my breathing patterns and stay calm.

My first 2 periods went by okay, we had a small pop quiz in science which I think I did okay in and then second period I had English and the teacher put on a bunch of small videos about Shakespeare, so nothing hard.

But now, I'm sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria, at the very back of the room, drinking my vitamin water and watching videos on my phone.

I'm in the middle of a makeup artist ranting when I see someone slump down in the seat across from me, I look up and see miles. His smile is bright and he runs a hand through his hair after he put his bag down.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he leans both of his arms on the table coming closer. "I had seen you sitting alone and I don't have any friends yet so I thought I'd come sit with you" he smiled.

"Oh, well thanks, I don't really have any friends either" I laugh dryly.

"Well I guess that means we can be friends" he says hopefully.

I felt myself get a little happier at the thought that maybe not everyone would be crude to me this year, I can't believe this guy actually wants to be friends with me, has he not heard rumours?

"Sure, I'd like that" I smiled.

"So other than science with me, what other classes do you have?" He asked me, taking a sandwich out of his bag.

"Umm well, I have English second period and then after lunch I have-" I was cut off when my phone started going off, I looked down to see Kiara calling me, during school?

I look back up at him and sheepishly smile, "sorry, I really have to answer this" I gesture to my phone. He nods as he chews on his sandwich. I stand up and walk over to the doors that lead to the outside part of the cafeteria. Once I'm outside I answer Kiara.

"Hey Kie, what's up?" I ask her.

"Are you down to skip the rest of the day, and possibly the rest of the week?" She asks right away.

My eyebrows furrow and I hesitate, "umm why may I ask?"

"Pope got a letter from someone named Limbry, they live in Charleston, they have something to do with the royal merchant and wanna meet with him, apparently they have proof that John bs innocent" she explains.

"Wait what? Actually?" I gasp.

"Yes and we need to leave today because there expecting us tonight" she adds.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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