{ Pilot Pt 1 }

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The feeling I have when surfing is unexplainable, but if I did try an explain it to you I would say that it's the best feeling you could ever feel.

You feel free, like no one is around, it's you, you're board and the water.

Feeling free is the best feeling, well other then love obviously, but feeling free is so exhilarating. You feel like you can do anything, at any time, anywhere in the world.

When I surf I feel free, even if I'm surfing with my friends or there's other people on the beach, I don't really focus on them, just myself, it's my way of clearing my head.

As I ducked under a curve I could see fish swimming through the clear water causing me to smile. When I reached the end of the curve I road closer to the shore but stayed in the water.

I straddled my board and watched as JJ pushed up on his board and started riding a way, I smiled when he did his famous sharp turns.

As he reached the end of his wave his eyes found mine, he then pointed at me with a smile and flopped off of his board into the water.

I laughed softly and paddled over to where he got back onto his board.

"That curve was amazing" he smiled at me.

"Thanks, I've been practicing so I can be best surfer on the island" I winked at him.

"Oh please, I'll always be the best surfer, your definitely a close second though princess" he smiled and we started paddling towards the shore.

"Hey did you talk to the others at all this morning before we left?" I asked him as we dried off at the sand.

"Yeah John b said to meet at the chateau, apparently were gonna go crash a new kook home" he smirked picking up his clothes and we started walking back to my jeep.

"Sounds fun" I smiled.

I walked around the basement of the new kook house being built near the water, it was pretty nice, not too big but not small at all.

Kiara was upstairs and I'm pretty sure the boys were outside.

I slid my hand on the white wooden shelves that were hung on the wall, as I walked the dust collected on my pointer finger.

"Ew" I whispered to myself. I wiped the dust off of my finger and started to hear yelling upstairs, I quickly went to the door that went outside from the basement and saw JJ running towards me.

I quickly ran outside, he then grabbed a hold of my hand and started pulling me to run faster.

"Hey stop kids!" The securities guard said.

"Oh my gosh, JJ it's Gary!" I squealed waving at Gary.

"I know, we would've stayed to talk but I think he didn't get his Dailey donut" he smiled at me.

We then hopped in the van and John b started driving away. JJ then grabbed a beer and hung out the side of the van to start taunting Gary.

"Oh come your so close" he said as Gary tried to catch up to him.

I couldn't help but laugh as JJ would pretend to throw it and Gary would almost trip over trying to catch it.

"JJ you're gonna give a heart attack" Kiara said laughing.

"Nah, he needs the exercise, gotta burn off those donuts" I said holding my stomach as it hurt so much from laughing.

JJ then threw the beer at Gary, to which he caught and JJ closed the side door sitting back down across from me.

Princess {JJ Maybank}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن