{ The Bell Tower Pt.1 }

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A plane flew over our heads, we all looked up at it in the sky, frowns overtaking our faces. We were hiding in a shed by the dump with a bunch of old furniture and random items.

"There goes the gold, fuck!" JJ huffs, kicking a plastic chair.

I ran a hand through my hair and look at the ground, I flinch when I hear pope start to breakdown. He starts cursing repeatedly, throwing old items, kicking couches, and then grabs a baseball bat, smashes mirrors and then picks up a trash can, throwing it as far as he can, which wasn't very far.

We all watch him as he finally stops, his breathe heavy and his chest heaving. He sits down on an old couch and we all walk closer to him.

"Yeah dude, I was wondering when this was gonna happen" JJ said, "here you go chief" holding out his juul. "A little weed never hurt no one."

"JJ" Kiara warns.

"Relax kie" JJ looks at her.

"You know he doesn't smoke" she adds.

"We'll maybe no until today" JJ shrugs and continues to hold out his juul for pope.

"Pope, yeah what is that gonna help" Kiara tries to stop him.

"I lost my scholarship, walked out in the middle of the interview, every.... It's gonna it's not gonna happen" pope chokes out, trying not to cry.

My frown worsens as I sit next to pope on the couch and place a hand on his shoulder, rubbing my thumb along his sweater dress shirt.

"You did that for us?" Kiara asks with a frown.

"No not for us, for nothing" pope said as he stands up walking closer to her.

"I'm here for you pope, welcome to my world okay?" JJ walks over to him wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"JJ" Kiara sighs.

"What kie, he's right, it doesn't matter anymore" JJ's raises his voice a little.

Pope reaches for JJ's juul and takes a hit, Kiara's face drops and she sighs, "you don't have to do that."

Pope looks over at her with a glare, "why do you care?"

I stand up from my seat when I hear rocks crackle behind me, I turn and gasp when I see John b, blood all over his hand and some on his shirt.

"Oh my god John B!" I ran over to him, the others quickly following behind me.

"Yo you good man?" JJ asks.

"Whose blood is that?" Kiara asked nervously.

John b couldn't answer, police sirens filled the air and we ran over to kneel behind the couch. We all looked at John b who was staring at his hands.

"John b what happened?" I asked calmly.

He looked at me and sighed, "Rafe killed peterkin" he said quietly.

My breathe hitched, "Rafe?" I asked.

He nodded and looked back down at his hands, I looked away from him and down at my shoes. It didn't completely surprise me that Rafe was capable of doing something like this but it did make my mind swirl with thoughts. Rafe was someone I would see around all the time because of my brother, he's stayed over at my house, had dinner with us, and we as a family have hung out with his family. It's kind of crazy that he's a murderer, but I do believe he did it.

After a while we had ended up getting Kiara's car and pulling up to the police station. It was dark now and John b wanted to go to the police station, so that's where we were now.

Pope and Kiara sat in the front, while I sat in between JJ and john b in the back seat.

"John b, what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asks, his hand rubbing my thigh gently, calming me down.

"Somebody's gotta tell them what happened" he sighed.

Pope then starts dramatically coughing, his left hand holding a blunt, that he had been non stop hitting for the past hour.

"Woah, easy there chief, Damn" JJ pats his shoulder.
"Alright I'm just gonna be real with you right now, you might end up in the lions den but you never go there on purpose. It's fundamental, just like my old man always told me, you never ever trust the cops, no matter what the circumstance is" JJ tried to convince John b.

"You're old man's an abusive liar" Kiara grimaced.

"Kie.." I warned softly.

"I agree with JJ, Fuck the police!" Pope exclaimed.

"You going to the dark side now?" Kiara asked sarcastically.

"When was the last time the police helped us?" Pope argued.

"Peterkin looked out for me alright? Tried to at least, they need to know" John b defended

We all watched as he left the car, and walked inside. I let out a breathe and leaned my head on JJ's shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked.

I shrugged, " I guess." I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and turned it on, I haven't looked at it all day cause I know it's filled with text messages and calls from my family.

And I was right, 37 missed calls from my dad, 50 from my mom and 12 text messages from my brother. I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket.

JJ wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me tighter, "don't get too worried princess, okay? When this is all over they'll understand, they'll have to" I nodded and pushed myself closer into his embrace, wanting his comfort.

A few seconds later, John b ran out yelling, slamming his hands on the glass and jumping into the car, "Kie start the car! Start the car!"

Everyone started yelling, my eyes wide as I watched it all unfold, kie started driving and one of the cops was trying to open John bs door.

"Open it!" Pope yelled.

John b opened his door and officer plum fell to the ground, he then closed his door and we sped off away from the station.

"What the hell was that?" I asked once we all calmed down and we drove on an empty road.

"Ward, he blamed it on me, they think it was me who killed peterkin" he huffed running a hand through his messy hair.

My eyes widened and I looked at JJ who looked nervous for his best friend. This wasn't good, John b against ward. Ward has the bigger hand here, John b would need serious clear evidence to show he didn't do it, and right now we had nothing to prove he was innocent.

Hey guys! I didn't say this in my last update but I'm gonna try and publish more chapters now that schools over on Friday, I've had a very hard year mentally where I just couldn't do anything, I would lay in bed and not wanna go out, I would stay home from school because it was too mentally exhausting and I've been struggling with my eating, but I'm trying to get better and I wanna update the story. I think about it a lot and I'm so grateful for the love it's gotten. I hope you continue to read this story because I'm trying to make it the best it can be.


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