{The Phantom pt.3}

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Due to the pressure JJ kept on the cut that was on my forehead, the blood stopped and it was now just dried blood covering my forehead. I still felt light headed, not only due to having my head split open but everything that's been going on as well.

I'm sitting on the edge of the phantom watching as JJ and pope get everything ready for John b and possibly Sarah.

"How's your head?" Pope asks me as he places the last box of food on the floor of the boat.

"It's better, still dizzy though" I chuckle softly.

"Well when this is done we'll take you back to mine and get you cleaned up" he smiles, rubbing my shoulder before hopping down from the boat and onto the dock.

"Dude where is he?" Kiara asks as she waits impatiently on the grass.

"Give him a second, he'll be here, he's coming, he'll be fine" JJ says throwing the last of the rope into a small compartment before hopping off the boat as well, he then grabbed my waist and helped me down beside him.

Out of no where we hear sirens come closer, red and blue lights appear and the cops truck comes into view.

"JJ?" Kiara warns.

"Hey yeah get back on the boat!" JJ yells, grabbing my waist again to help me back up, but I stop him.

"Wait, no, no way" i smile when I see who comes out of the now stopped vehicle.

"No effing way" pope smiles and Kiara speeds towards John b to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry uh what" she laughs.

Me and JJ walk towards him, pope as well.

"You've gotta be kidding me" JJ laughs.

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin" John b smirks as him and Kie walk towards us.

"That's believable, I'll buy that" Kiara smiles.

"Woah waters, what happened to your head" John bs eyes go wide.

"Oh ya know, just me being clumsy" I smile and he laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah okay, you being clumsy" he smiles.

But that smile fades, when he doesn't see his girlfriend with us.

"Wait where's Sarah" he asks, looking around.

"She's not with you?" Kiara asks.

"No we got separated in the swamp, she said she'd meet me here" he panics.

"No we haven't seen her JB" I frown.

"Okay we'll I'm not leaving without her" he grows frustrated.

"John B, look at me, I know you feel bad for leaving man but there's no time, you've got plenty of gas, plenty of food, once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the dismal swamp, okay?" JJ tries to help his friend.

"Once you get out of here, lay low alright? Hang out a couple weeks, cross the boarder at Brownsville, got that? Brownsville. Hey, you got that?" JJ slaps his shoulder, John b too focused and the road to see if Sarah would magically show up.

"Yeah yeah Brownsville" John b sighs.

"All right saddle her up salt water cowboy, let's do this yeah" JJ says, helping John b get onto the boat.

John b puts his hat on and grips the straps of his back pack, "hey, I'm sorry for basically throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunting thing" his chin wobbles.

"Hey John b, we were bound to run off a cliff at some point right? But at least we did it together" JJ said throwing his arms around mine and popes shoulder and I gripped onto Kiaras hand.

"Pogue style" JJ finishes.

"Pogue style" John b repeats nodding,

"Get out of here now" Kiara says.

"Yeah please" I laugh.

"We'll see you in 2 months, down in Mexico" JJ says. " love you!"

"Hey, wait a second, will you tell Sarah goodbye for me?" He asks.

"Of course" I smile.

"Don't forget, cross the border at Brownsville okay?" JJ adds again.

"Got it" John b nods and starts the boat, we all wave and slight tears leave our eyes as we watch our best friends drive off in the boat. I let go of kiaras hand and wipe my tears.

JJ leads me away from the dock and onto the grass, I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his around me tightly.

"I'm gonna miss him" I smile sadly.

"Yeah, me too" JJ sighs.

Out of the corner of my eye I see pope and Kie pull away from a hug, and then out of no where they kiss. I gasp softly and JJ pulls back and looks where I'm looking. He chuckles and smiles down at me.

"Looks like now isn't a bad time to kiss you either" he chuckles before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips gently.

I smile and kiss him back.

But our moment is ruined when police sirens come closer once again, pulling us apart.

"Hey sorry to ruin the party but we gotta go right now" JJ says towards the 2 on the dock.

We all go to get into Kiara's car again but all the cops stop and get out of the car quickly.

"Move! Hands up! Hands up!" Shoupe yells at us, I quickly raise mine and Kiara does the same.

JJ hesitates but does so eventually but pope doesn't.

"We're too late, he's gone god dammit" Shoupe yells. "Bratcher, have your guys stand down, let me talk to these kids. All right, where the hell is he? JJ? I see you're living up to your name" he says getting in JJ's face, I scoff but JJ keeps his composure.

"Pope? How about you, this ain't a fucking game, you can do the right thing right now! Where'd he go?" Shoupe yells at pope.

"Suspect has just left station 26 in a small boat, need marine patrol to respond" bratcher says into his walky.

Me and JJ get pulled into a cop car while Kiara and pope get pulled into another one.

I lean my head on JJ's shoulder and sigh, waiting till we get to wherever they'll take us.

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