{ the lucky compass pt.2 }

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"Do you regret it?" JJ asks me.

"No, not at all, do you?" I tell him as I sit beside him on the bed now.

He sits up and faces me, we both have our legs crossed, it's dark out and only the lights from my led are letting me see JJ.

"No, I don't" he says shaking his head.

"So- what was that?" I started but was cut off by a rock hitting my window.

I got out of my bed throwing on a hoodie and walked over to my window, I looked down and saw Kiara pope and John b waving their arms. I laughed softly and walked over to my balcony walking outside.

"What are y'all doing?" I asked with a smile.

"Come on, I think I've come up with something" John b said.

"Are you concocting again?" I asked with a playful smirk.

He scoffs and chuckles, "no, just get down here, is JJ up there with you?" He asks.

"Uh yeah he's here, we'll be down in a sec, meet you in the van" I smile before walking back into my room.

"John b wants us to go with him, he came up with something else" I said putting on my vans.

"Of course he did" JJ chuckles standing up and throwing on a shirt and his shoes.

I smiled and walked back over to my balcony, we both climbed over the edge and jumped to the ground.

"Ah shit, I stepped in mud" JJ said.

"Shhhh don't be too loud, don't want mama to wake up" I said putting a finger over my lips.

We ran over to the van and jumped into the back.

"Alright let's do this" I smiled.

Kiara threw me and JJ headlights and we gave her a confused look.

"What do we need these for? Are we lurking threw caves?" I asked.

"I don't know, John b just gave them to us" she shrugged.

I just nodded and leaned back into my chair.

"You mind if I just relax on this one, it's been a long day and a lot of weird shit has gone down, oh hey do you want a hit of this?" JJ asked moving his blunt towards pope.

"I keep the signal clear" pope said pushing his hand away.

"Dude, do you understand what your problem is? Your problem is is that you don't get creative, if you got creative then" JJ started but was cut off by John b.

"Look I know I was wrong about the light house, and pretty much wrong with everything else, but I was right about one thing, my dad is trying to tell me something" john b explains.

I looked over at Kie who sat in the front seat and we both gave each other a worried look, I really hope we find something cause I'd hate for John b to get his hopes up for nothing.

we arrived and walked through the cemetery, it was dark and cold, JJ walked up beside me and wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me closer and kissed my temple.

"Don't worry, I'll save you from zombies" he said, i I smiled and looked up at him.

"Well JJ, zombies aren't real, and your really high" I said patting his chest.

"John b what are we doing here?" Kiara asked.

"You know when you try to remember a song but you can't remember who sings it? K well this whole time I thought Redfield was a place, but it's a person" John b said walking up to a tomb.

"My great great grandmother olivia Redfield" John b said pointing his flashlight towards the name.

"Voi effing la" JJ said.

"Come help me with the door" John b said as pope followed him to push the door.

"Are you pushing? Come on"

"Hold on I got it" JJ said going to help them.

"This doors like 700 hundred pounds it's not gonna budge" pope said.

"We didn't come this far, to get this far alright?" JJ said using all of his muscle to open the door.

"Oh my god!" I screamed when a snake came out of the door hissing at us. I jumped towards Kiara who giggled at me. "Don't laugh, snakes are scary" I glared at her.

"Oh that's a moccasin alright, ye olde dr cotton mouth, death in the tall grass" JJ said walking towards the snake, and started barking at it as it slithered away.

"JJ shut up!" I said pulling him away from the snake.

"There afraid of dogs everyone knows that" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes and interlocked our fingers, John b walked towards the tomb.

"Wait, if there's one there's probably dozens" JJ said.

"K guys, the doors not gonna budge, we should just leave" pope said getting annoyed.

I looked at the door and noticed an opening at the top, and I could definitely fit through.

"I can fit through that hole" I said pointing towards it.

"What? You think you're gonna fit through that hole?" John b asked.

"No, your not doing that" JJ said tightening his grip on my hand.

"Look, this is about your dad JB, and as much as this doesn't seem real, I care about you and you deserve to know the truth, so I'll do it" I said with a small smile.

He sighed and nodded at me, I looked at JJ and gave him a small smile. He let go of my hand with a nod and we walked towards the wall.

"Alright I'm gonna boost you, seen it in the movies several times" he said.

"Hold my light" I said handing my light to Kiara while the other boys held the leaves out of the way.

"Remind me what I'm looking for" I said to John b.

"You'll know when you see it" he answered.

"Wow, very helpful" I said sarcastically.

"Alright? On three go, 1, okay just forget about 3" JJ said as I pushed myself up and into the tomb.

Once I landed on the ground Kiara handed me my light and I turned it on. I looked down at the ground and gasped when I saw a few snakes.

"Oh my god" I whispered to myself, Why did i volunteer for this.

"You alive? Got a heartbeat and everything" John b asked.

"Um, so far, don't know how long I will though" I said breathless.

I let out a deep breathe and slowly walked around the snakes, I pointed my flashlight around and it landed on a white package on the wall.

My eyes went wide when it said "for bird", big John called John b that all the time.

"Did you find anything?" JJ asked.

"Any gold?" Pope asked.

"Oh my god" I smiled grabbing a hold of it.

Princess {JJ Maybank}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora