Chapter 15 - Touched his God

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When Jian Shu woke up, the first thing he looked at was the pink rose on the offering table.

In the plain and quiet white porcelain cup, the heavy-petaled rosebud was delicately colored.

Jian Shu's expression instantly fell down.

The god did not "accept" his gift.

He sat in front of the shrine for a long time, as if he had lost the will to escape.

The three ghosts in the ancient mansion secretly watched him, their hearts were not good.

"Will he ...... really think that that person is dead?" The tall thin ghost figure sighed.

Jian Shu did think that Pei Ce was dead.

Moreover, he felt that Pei Ce was killed by himself.

Pei Ce's figure was so shallow that it must have too little power remaining.

As an ordinary person with a not-so-rich imagination, all that Jian Shu could think of was that the way for god to accumulate power was to receive incense from human offerings.

When he had just entered this ancient mansion, it seemed like a long time since anyone had come to make an offering. His offerings were few, and Pei Ce must have been so weak that he disappeared after punishing the villains.

Jian Shu fell into a deep sense of self-blame.

He had suddenly lost the will to escape and had been in a muddled state all day. It was only when he was really hungry and couldn't stand it that he remembered to eat.

It was all the food that had been put away again after being spilled on the floor yesterday.

It was probably because it had been put away for a long time, and the pastries were no longer fresh. Jian Shu barely ate two bites and then ate the last apple that was left.

Jian Shu, who had been immersed in guilt and self-reproach, was not very restful even when he slept.

In the middle of the night, the tossing and turning Jian Shu was woken up by the sound of a heavy piece falling to the ground.

His eyes snapped open, and when he sat up, it was pitch black around him.

"Clang–" another sound.

The sound came from the location of the backyard as if something had smashed down.

Jian Shu hurriedly got up, picked up a flashlight holding an umbrella, and ran to the backyard.

He and Pei Ce had been there together before. He had teased him about letting Pei Ce help him blow up the dog hole, and the sound seemed to be coming from that direction, did ......

His palms were slightly sweaty as he ran. Through the side door, across the weeds, gasping for breath, he came to that place.

"Hoo ...... hoo ...... hoo," he breathed calmly and tested the light of his flashlight.

There was no change in the dog hole.

The glimmer of expectation that had risen instantly disappeared.

After the hope disappeared, he began to feel strange again. This dog hole was on the side of the high wall and, according to reason, should lead to a certain direction in Yucheng.

Could it be that those people didn't dare to come in and smashed stones instead?

Suddenly, a tightly wrapped paper bag was pushed in from outside.

Startled, Jian Shu subconsciously took two steps backward, only hesitantly stopping when a muffled female voice came from outside.

"Child, here." It was a somewhat familiar female voice.

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