Chapter 6 - Miracles

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"No matter what ...... find him ......"

"Before dark ......"

"Spread out ...... can't let go ......"

The sound of intermittent talking and the sound of rain stirred together, not quite clear.

Ah Qing should have gone to tell Uncle Chu the news of his escape.

Jian Shu was panicked and scared. Although he was not sure of the exact reason, he knew that those people were coming to catch him. As for what they were going to do when they caught him back, it wasn't a good thing to think with his knees, otherwise, why would they send out so many strong men to catch him, instead of letting Ah Qing take him back?

He hid in the corner and saw a group of gray-clothed men hastily dispersing in front of him, with one black umbrella after another held open like ink flowing in the rain.

The rain smashed against the umbrella surface with a dull sound, interspersed with a series of footsteps, making Jian Shu unable to resist trembling.

No panic, no fear. Although the Yucheng ancestral hall was large and he didn't recognize many of the roads, he still remembered the route from the gatehouse to his residence.

As long as he avoided ears and eyes and returned to the residence from here, and then carefully escaped, he would be free.

For a moment, Jian Shu thought about whether he should bravely hide back in the inner residence.

But such a thought was quickly rejected by him.

The inner house was the place where he had disappeared, and there would definitely be people around looking for him. And, even if he did manage to avoid everyone and return to the inner house what would be the point? It was closed, there was no way to escape, not to mention there wasn't enough food to go around, even if he had to hide, he wouldn't be able to hide for a few days.

The best thing to do for now was to see if he could escape from Yucheng.

Jian Shu forced himself to calm down, and when he heard the footsteps leaving he quickly probed to look at the situation in front of him. The two gray-clothed men left the place one after the other, and there was no one else around.

He immediately leaped out. Before those two people could react, he dove headfirst behind the row of greenery under the long corridor.

Jian Shu hid all the way, and the lush greenery and rain curtains of Yucheng helped him several times to escape from danger, successfully escaping to the vicinity of his residence.

But a new problem arose.

As the time he spent fleeing increased, the number of people out in the ancestral hall seemed to have increased as well. Where it might have taken five or six minutes for someone to pass by him, it had now gotten to the point where people were passing by in two or three minutes.

Moreover, although the bushes in the area where he was now hiding were thick, the path to the outside world was only a wide main road, and there was almost no place around him where he could hide. Jian Shu's hands were shaking as he struggled to curl himself up among the wet flowers and trees.

He heard the sound of someone passing him, stepping through the water, and running away quickly.

Jian Shu's hands clenched tighter and tighter, his mind constantly praying that no one would see him.

The rain got heavier and heavier. Jianshu hid in the flowers and trees, cold and scared, his heart beating wildly.

There were footsteps approaching again.

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