"I made you some tea." I took the flower shaped cup from his hands and sipped on it, the fully saturated minty herbal taste was dashed heavily with lavender honey. It was sweet and tasted like ambrosia on my tongue. The tea was indeed fully flavored with their leaves and it made me ask,

"Wow this is amazing, how do you know how to make tea?" I looked at him as he grinned and sat next to me on the faux fur bench like seat.

"Well when branch was a baby, he got sick a lot and our parents were eaten so it was only us and Grandma Rosiepuff." My heart clenched for how much of a large blow that was but he continued as he opened the cabinet with my jewelry and grabbed a small cylindrical container and it was makeup remover.

"We were all doing our best with just our grandma and I learned to take care of Branch by making his bottles and making him tea when he got sick, especially since everyone else was too caught up with our parents deaths to care about him. I didn't want to leave but John just pushed us all too far." I kept quietly sipping waiting for him to finish gently wiping the thick layer of running eyeliner that made him look more ragged than he actually was.

"I'm so sorry." I put the beautiful saucer down on the top of the counter and held on to his upper arm and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Don't be sweetheart, I wanted to tell you this. I felt it was only fair since John kinda outed how much you went through with Velvet." I sat up and gawked at him with my head tilted.

"I mean I—I should tell you something else about me then, that's not fair" he lightly pushed my head back down to his shoulder before he put his head on top of mine and let his strands interlock with mine creating a clash of complementary colors.

But as for him revealing some secrets of his, that totally wasn't fair for him to reveal something that personal because his brother accidentally spilled some of my most personal traumatic memories.

"I know you will, but I want you to do it at your own pace, you deserve to process what fully happened at the speed that your comfortable with Because I absolutely love and care about you so much. You're everything to me Veneer

I don't want you to be afraid to tell me. I want to know what happened to you I trust you enough to tell me but, I don't want to pressure you to force yourself so I'm willing to wait an eternity for you." He pressed his lips to mine as a few of his own tears escaped from his lash line and I was stunned by his loving devotion to me and I let a whimpering sob out as he held my face and kept going,

"I want you to feel like you're enough because you're one of the kindest warmest people I've come across.. I know that the way we met was unconventional but I'm strangely grateful that it happened." I couldn't stop the large globs of tears leaking from my eyes as I forced him into a hug and he held me with such a ginger tenderness that I could barely breathe at his sweet words.

"I love you- I don't deserve you." I choked out feeling as if my throat was stuffed with cotton as I pressed my face against his shoulder genuinely at a full loss for words while squeezing him with everything I had.

"That's not true Ven, you deserve so much more." He cooed in my ear as he held on to my hips softly rubbing his thumbs in circles to calm me down.

We sat there in silence before I flushed at remembering the soft way he moaned as he nuzzled my thighs and bedsheets in the doctors office and I leaned up and whispered softly in his ear,

"What were you dreaming about in the hospital? It seemed pretty intense."  I must've broken him from our melancholy haze and he shuttered as he suddenly became aware of the fact we were completely alone.

"Do you want me to be honest?" He whispered back while his grip on my hips got stronger but still loose enough that if I wanted to escape I could.

"Of course I do." Our noses were now touching as he moved closer to me and I could see the flicks of lilac in his eye's brighting up as our atmosphere went from depressing to a heavier love filled fog.

"I was dreaming about you and me-" his voice got a tad deeper as I was practically sitting in his lap now with my arms around his neck.

"Well obviously you said my name but In what way?" I jested as fluttered my eyelashes at him and sighed as he seductively nipped my ear.

"I'm honestly thinking that I've been waiting for long moment to be alone with you since the bus, how I've had been thinking about how pretty you'd look as I put my mouth on you." My heart certainly couldn't handle his sensual voice as his touching became a tad rougher, he gripped my inner thighs and I felt moans were slipping out of my mouth too easily for my own comfort but his fingertips left electric shocks in their wake.

"I mean I'm not that pretty-" I was suddenly picked up and placed on the plush thick animal pelts that were on the bed, the chilly fur feeling nice on my rapidly heated skin.

"You are beautiful Ven, but if you don't believe me, I can certainly prove it." He seductively cooed as he flipped our positions on the bed and he sat upright on the bed while I had my place on his lap.

I felt something solid beneath me and I could die from embarrassment as he nipped my neck tenderly.

"Please sweetheart, I want to make you feel beautiful." I shuttered as he was gently scraping his dull teeth against my shoulder.

I choked out whiny needy sounds as his fingertips dancing up and down my bare sides with his thumbs gliding their nails down into the soft pudge of my stomach.

Those half lidded pomegranate eyes roamed my entire figure and were locked on my face which caused me to slip my eyes shut and bit my lip in hopes to have some dignity but that was squashed to pieces as his right hand left my side and his thumb was on my chin as he forced my head up with his index finger hooked under my chin. That indigo thumb pried my teeth away from my bottom lip and I couldn't help but look at him with my wide lapis dyed irises.

"I want you to look at me and I want to hear you, don't be shy, I want to know that you're enjoying yourself." He thrusted his hips up against mine and I could feel my body shaking from pleasure. I dumbly nodded and suddenly he looked at me and smiled as if I was the best thing to exist and I glanced away and he took my face and made me look back into those lust filled dragon fruit skin eyes.

He suddenly stilled and kissed me and before I could protest against stopping his delicious pleasurable motions,

"Are you sure about this? You can always stop we don't have to keep going if you're uncomfortable. I don't want to scare you or hurt you, I love you." My breath grew shaking as he established himself and I knew I had to verbally respond so with my own nails delicately gliding across his shoulder blades I whispered,

"I'm ok, please keep going, I don't want you to stop."

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