Chapter 61

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Water came pouring out of the cage, soaking everything and everyone around it. Rebecca floated out with the water, and Colby caught her with ease. Scooping her up, he gently brought her over to a table and laid her on it. "Come on, honey." He whispered.

Joseph and Jonathan came over to the table, and watched as Colby started doing chest compressions. "Dude, be careful. She was shot on her rib..." Jonathan said.

Colby kept doing the chest compressions, then done mouth to mouth. He started the chest compressions again. "I know that, Jon. I'm trying to get her breathing."

Pamela and Ashley came over as well, and covered their mouths when they saw her unconscious. Meanwhile, James and Gemma had finally made it back to their feet, and were slowly making their way into the building. James had Gemma's arm draped around his neck, and he held her close as they looked around at the mess made. "Holy—"

"James..." Gemma whispered when she saw Colby giving Rebecca mouth to mouth. "I think we were too late." She whispered again.

Getting frustrated, Colby pushed Rebecca's hair out of her face and got up on the table. He gently took off her soaked shirt and threw it on the floor. He then started the chest compressions again. "Wake up, Rebecca!"

The group held their breath as they watched in horror. Joseph kept rubbing his hands together, trying to keep the looming thoughts out of his head. We were too late. She's gone...

Jonathan moved his hands to his head, and started murmuring. "Come on, Becks."

Colby done mouth to mouth again, then checked to see if she had a pulse. Baby wake up! He pressed down on her chest, and the others watched him do chest compressions again, then mouth to mouth, then compressions again, and the same process over and over again.

Colby had frustrated tears streaming down his face. He sniffed, and when he started doing harder chest compressions, Joseph stopped him. "Man, give it up. You're just hurting her even more!"

Colby pushed him aside and rushed back over to his wife's side. "Rebecca? Wake up, honey." He said stroking her head. He then stepped back and started doing compressions again, but this time harder.

Joseph shook his head and put a hand on his shoulder. "Colby, man. It's not working—"

The world slowed down. Colby suddenly stopped when Rebecca finally started coughing. He sat her up and pushed her wet hair out of her face while she coughed up all the water. "You're okay...I've got you." He whispered.

Rebecca swallowed and started breathing heavily. She noticed Pamela and Ashley first, both staring at her with concern. They're okay! She then looked over at Gemma, who was being held up by James. They're here too?! She put a hand to her chest and looked over at Joseph and Jonathan. She gave them a small smile, and they knew it was a thank you.

When she finally looked up at her husband, she saw him smile as a tears streamed down his eyes. He pulled her in for a hug nearly knocking her off the table. "Im so glad you're okay." He whispered in her ear. "You scared me...I couldn't get you to breath."

Rebecca pulled back and put her forehead to his. Cupping his cheek with her left hand, she whispered, "I'm okay, love. Little dizzy, but I'm okay." She sighed. "Thank you for coming after me."

Colby kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her again. "You know i would do anything for you. And you don't have to thank me. I was coming whether you wanted me to or not." He swallowed his emotions, and gently lifted Rebecca off the table so that she could balance on the floor. "Make sure Finn's dead. I don't want him coming after us anymore."

"I'll gladly shoot him again." Jonathan said running off.

Colby rolled his eyes. "Let's go to the hotel shall we?"

Two hours later, and a few showers and stitches, Pamela and Ashley were sitting on one of the beds with Joseph, Renee, and Roux. The girls were so happy to see the little girl, and while they played with her, the others were catching them up on what all has happened—and of course, they were chowing down on some burgers.

James had taken Gemma to the hospital right after everyone else got back to the hotel. He had borrowed their rental car and zoomed off, trying to get to the hospital in time for them to help her. Joseph offered to do it himself—since they had done it multiple times before—but James was hesitant on letting him do it.

While everyone else chatted, Colby and Rebecca were in the bathroom. Rebecca sat on the bathroom counter while Colby stitched her wound up. He was trying to be as gentle as possible, but the wound had been infected. Rebecca winced when he finished. "All done." He said putting the needle aside.

Rebecca smiled up at him. Closing her eyes, she rested her forehead on his chest, while he wrapped his arms around her. "I've missed you..." She whispered.

Colby rubbed her head. "Trust me, love. I've missed you more." He then put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Other than the gunshot, did he hurt you anywhere else?"

Rebecca shook her head, and wrapped her arms around his stomach. "I could use some food." She mumbled.

Colby rubbed his hands down her arms. "Renee picked food up on the way back. Our daughter was hungry." He added with a chuckle.

He walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a gluten free pizza, bringing it back for her. She took it happily, and dug in. "How has Roux been?"

Colby rested his hands on her thighs. "She's missed her mama, so has everyone else." He said at stroking her thigh. "God, I was so worried about you. I didn't know if you were alive—"

"Honey," Rebecca said with her mouth full. "Im okay, I promise. A little traumatized from the drowning part, but I'll be okay." She said swallowing. "We don't have to worry about him no more...we finally got rid of him."

Colby let a small smile creep across his lips. "Well, I promise you, we're going to say our goodbyes, we're going to go home, and we're going to live the rest of our lives in peace okay?

Rebecca gave him a look. "Promise? Because I don't think I can handle—"

He pressed his lips to hers and shut her up with a slow, deep kiss. "I promise, love."

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